Tuesday 14 February 2017

February 14

  Happy Valentine's day everyone! If you are in a happy relationship then today is a good day. Single, recently widowed or separated...not so much. Just had a fight with your significant other over who shovels all the snow we've gotten? Well then it's a great day to make up.

  This is a day where flowers triple in price. Chocolate, no matter how bad, costs as much as a steak dinner in a five star restaurant. Oh and lets not forget about those restaurants....busy busy with specials designed to turn the mood to romance and your bank account to empty.

  My idea of romance and yours might be totally different. Romance, to me, is on a cold snowy day when I'm running late and the kids are going to miss the school bus and I see the garbage truck coming up the street, as I race for the garage door in Riley's Pokemon slippers, I see John has already put it out for me. That's romance. At 5:15 in the morning he thought "How can I make her morning easier?" That is better than any bouquet.

  No matter how you plan on spending the day keep in mind that one day of romance does not make or break a relationship. Little things done every day mean much more. After the honeymoon stage you will understand. 

  If you don't ...there might be a problem.



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