Thursday, 9 February 2017

Angry...So Angry

  When did the world become so angry? I get it. The world is in a bit of a tail spin but we have survived worse. Much worse. And come out better on the other side. But the anger....oh my.

  Don't like my politics? Call me names. Insult my physical looks, my intellect, my family even my dog. Call me stupid, racist and idiotic. Call me a liar or a fascist. Those are only the "nice" words that have been used.

  Disagree on healthcare spending and the virtues of a free system? Pray I get cancer, heart trouble or the most painful disease possible. Wish nothing but ill health on my children and that the wait time will kill them. Seriously?

  Think my ideas on education and support for teachers is totally out to lunch? Tell me how stupid I am and how my kids will never amount to anything. How it's their dream that my kids fail and are fated to a life of poverty and hopelessness. What the hell?

  This rant brought to you by three tweets I made yesterday. Just my honest, yet filtered, view on an issue. None of which were particularly confrontational or mean spirited. The responses were both.

  The anger comes through the screen. These people were vicious. As if you are attacking them with a knife. They do not try to see another point of view or even understand where you are coming from. That perhaps your reality is different than theirs. Nope. Right for the jugular. 

  So when did this happen? When did adult conversation become yelling, screaming and finger pointing? Not to mention name calling and shaming? Can't we even pretend to be civilized?

  Some day I might not filter my on-line comments. I might not concern myself with seeing the other person's side of things. I will avoid facts and stick to gossip and rumors. Instead of taking a second look at what I've written, I'll hit send and be damned of the consequences. It won't be pretty. You've been warned. All of you "my dogs/cats are my children" people....I'm coming for you first! 

  But wait....I'm an adult. I can disagree with your opinions or beliefs without attacking you. We can agree to disagree because no two situations or lives are the same. My perspective, my favorite word, is different from everyone else's. 

  That's why I started my own blog. That and John was tired of hearing my rants ðŸ˜‰.



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