Wednesday, 31 May 2017
It's Been A While!
It's been a few days since I've written...again I need to buy another laptop. The kids scramble for every free second during the weekend. Oh well, I'm back and have several things I need to get off my chest.
Let's start with Kathy Griffin, who I love, and her joke with the bloody, severed head of Donald Trump. First wasn't funny. There was no real "joke". Had it been at least funny she might have gotten a little less flack. At least from her peers. one deserves it. Not even Trump. End of conversation. If this visual would have bothered you with any other face on it then it should bother you now. And if nothing else think about his 10 year old.
Another thing I take issue with is Andrew Scheer, the new leader of the federal Conservative Party. Why are you so scared of PM Trudeau? And I ask this without sarcasm. In your acceptance speech over the weekend, you chose to insult and mock the PM rather than state the direction you want to take your party in. The election is 2 and 1/2 years away and on day one of your new job you chose to campaign rather than inform. It says to me that you have no platform. You lost me before you began.
Leaving politics behind, we are still waiting for the pool to be installed. If the rain doesn't end soon this season will be a write-off. The yard is ready. The fence is ready. The kids are more than ready. Hell, we even have the money ready. Come on Mother Nature throw us a bone.
Alex is home from school now. That means the peace and quiet of the day has disappeared. The house is alive with his laughter and yells of "Mom what is there to eat?" and "Mom we have no food!". His voice is one of my favorite sounds....some of the time.
Time to see what madness the world has gotten into today.
Thursday, 25 May 2017
Canada Proud
I know I say this often but I am SO glad to be Canadian. For SO many reasons. The list of reasons grows every year. Our universal healthcare. Our humanity. Kindness and compassion. Security. Stability. Our freedom and sense of right and wrong. All traits I am proud of.
We embrace diversity. In all areas of our life. Protecting the rights of the most vulnerable because it is the right thing to do. Taking care of our seniors and providing a high-quality education to our youth. Holding our politicians accountable for their actions. Supporting our troops.
Are we perfect? Absolutely not. Could we do better? Absolutely. But overall we are doing things right. Not perfect but right.
Today I'm even prouder. Our leader, PM Trudeau, knows how to button a suit jacket!
Wednesday, 24 May 2017
Last night the whole family went to a hockey game. Riley, who plays, could barely contain himself. The game was exciting and even though my team lost...we are Pittsburgh Penguin fans which is tough when they are playing was a great night. Til we got outside and started walking through the parking lot.
I was embarrassed by the behavior of too many Ottawa residents who were trying to incite fighting with Pens fans on their walk to their cars. The comments were reprehensible. Meant to start fist fights not celebrate the victory. "Fans" beating on the windows of cars where the occupants had opposing jerseys. Pounding on their hoods.
But one act really made me angry. Two rather large Pittsburg fans were in front of us walking to their car. Saying nothing to anyone. Checking their phones. A group of maybe six Ottawa supporters started yelling at them and saying the vilest things imaginable to them. Vulgar. Crude. I can't even say the words here. And the body actions. You can figure out quite easily what was said and done.
The two men stopped. They went back and spoke to the idiots screaming abuse at them. Had they wanted to I'm positive they could have hurt all six of them. Without breaking a sweat. However, they laughed and said they would let Thursday night's game speak for them. And then walked on. Very adult behavior I thought. Not sure I would, or could, have been so grown up about it.
This is not sports. This is not supporting your team. This isn't pride or exuberance over a win. This was mean and rude to a degree that has no place in sports ever. So while we waited to get out of the parking lot I tried to explain to Riley, who was quite upset about the behavior, why some people do it.
It would be easy to blame it on alcohol but I'm not sure these men were even drinking. They certainly didn't look drunk or sound it either. Besides drink sometimes makes people's "real" selves come out. The truth is I don't know why. How can someone's idea of celebration be to insult and incite anger? What does that say about you?
I also don't know why the man sitting beside me kept hollering at the Ottawa players to hit Sidney Crosby in the head and take him out permanently. Crosby has a history of concussions and a hit to the head could end his career not to mention change his life forever. He continually said this with, and I know it's a strange word to use but, glee. As if he wanted to see him severely hurt. That's not sportsmanship. That's nastiness. And the type of person who you don't want to be around.
It was quite embarrassing to me to be from Ottawa last night. While as a city our team won the game, we definitely didn't leave a good impression on those who came from away.
Something I thought we always did.
Thursday, 18 May 2017
"No politician in history and I say this with great surety, has been treated worse or more unfairly." - Donald Trump
Yes, you read it right. Donald Trump thinks that after only 118 days he is the most hard-done-by politician EVER. Anywhere! Shame on you the people of the United States. What are you thinking?? Who does he think he is?
Does the name Nelson Mandela mean anything to you Donald? You know the guy who spent 27 years in prison. In a small cell with his bed on the floor. Ring any bells for you?
What about Barack Obama? Surely his name is familiar. He's the one you said wasn't born in the U.S. Remember.... the Muslim President. The guy who had you bugged.
Oh, and we can't forget those pioneering women who were the first female politicians. They had it easy didn't they? Everyone was super nice to them. You have it sooooo much harder than they did.
Let me give you some advice Mr. Trump. Stop whining. Stop talking about the election. Forget the name Hilary. Don't try to make yourself a martyr. Do your job. Just do your damn job.
I thought he was supposed to be the oldest President ever. So why is he whining like a six-year-old?
It's Hot
It was 30+ degrees yesterday. Our first absolutely beautiful day. Blue skies. Warm breezes. Glorious sunshine. You couldn't ask for anything more, weather wise. That is until it was time to sleep.
We have a two storey house. And heat rises. Boy did it rise yesterday. When I finally left my 24 degree living room and walked up the stairs, I knew I was in trouble. When I say it was at least 30 degrees I'm not exaggerating. The air was heavy. No movement at all because of course the windows were closed.
It's hard to sleep in that extreme heat. Almost impossible for me. Of course it didn't help that John kept throwing his half of the duvet on top of me. At least the boys rooms have ceiling fans. Thankfully they slept well.
Our new air conditioner isn't installed til next week. The old one isn't connected to the electrical panel anymore. Even though it is an electricity bill nightmare I would have gladly taken it over the tiny fan in my large bedroom.
I'm embarassed to complain about the heat. After the contstant rain for over a week I should be ecstatic about the sun. And I promise I will be.
Next week once the central air kicks in!
Wednesday, 17 May 2017
Morning News
At 6:15 I go downstairs, turn on the coffee maker then turn on the news. See what happened over night in the world. This is how I start every weekday morning. Since January 20 it starts the same way....Trump. And never in a good way.
Seriously what the hell is this man thinking? Not a day goes by, except Saturday and Sunday because after all, he is a weekday leader, where he hasn't said or done something that is ridiculous. On the weekends, he just tweets something that is totally out to lunch.
Here at home, we are still talking about PM Trudeau's Christmas vacation. Almost 5 months ago! Nothing scandalous really has happened since...and I honestly don't think it's that scandalous either. When you compare the two countries it really shines a halo over our government.
A few things have totally left the news though like healthcare, tax reform, and Ivanka & Jared. Not a word about issues that everyday Americans need help with. Where did "the wall" go? Or jobs? No news broadcast has time to cover the real issues.
Say what you like it's a car wreck. And the world has stopped to take a look. At least as Canadians, we can say.....
Not my circus. Not my monkeys!
Monday, 15 May 2017
What A Weekend
Yesterday was Mother's Day here in Canada. A day to celebrate those who take care of us no matter how old we are. And as is my own Mother's Day tradition, I didn't send my Mom or my Mom-in-law, a card let alone a gift. Actually, Mom's gift is on the kitchen table. It was supposed to be her bday gift last month but it never made it to the post office then either. I'm such an ungrateful daughter.
However, it was also John's birthday. So while I did give birth to two children it really was his day as well. Not that it was celebrated by either of us completely. It's been a weird few days.
The van has completely taken over John's mind as he tries to fix it....enough to get the emissions test passed for another year. We only have a few more payments on my car but really don't want to buy another vehicle just yet. The idea of putting aside a few months payments is very appealing to both of us. But after an entire week of working on it, he is still not ready for the test.
I picked up my "old lady" glasses on Friday. While I had been warned by many friends, not to mention the service people at the store, I was ill-prepared for the effects of progressive lens. Friday night and all day Saturday were write-offs. I was dizzy and nauseous. The concept of moving my face in the proper direction seems simple enough but years of just moving my eyes to focus on something was hard to overcome. Today is better. Not much but better. Besides at $900 for new glasses I'm damn well going to adjust.
In fact, my out-of-sorts was so bad we canceled John's birthday dinner. John wanted to be working on the van then watching the hockey game anyway so he wasn't too disappointed. He is an easy person who doesn't stand on ceremony. Thankfully because we totally dropped the ball this year!
Another week has started. This will be better than the last. A more organized, less scrambled week. No matter how busy we are we won't forget anything or anyone. Guaranteed.
A girl can dream right?
Thursday, 11 May 2017
A part of me wants to climb back into bed, pull up the duvet and watch Netflix until I fall asleep. I'm tired of this dismal weather. Needing a jacket in mid-May is depressing. My toes, frozen in the sandals I refuse to not wear, makes me sad. When can I permanently turn the heat off? When???
The dandelions are up. Mind you those weeds could grow through the snow. The tulips are open and pretty but with single digit temperatures, I'm not sure how long they will last. And the poor robin who built a nest on our front wreath must be frozen trying to keep those hatchlings alive.
I want to sit in the morning sunshine, with a cup of coffee in my hand, warmed by the heat of the sun. Listening to the birds and smelling the flowers. I'd be happy even if I needed a light sweater just til the sun came fully up. I'm not asking for the moon....just double digit temperatures.
Blue skies. Sunshine. Eating al fresco. Watching the kiddies playing in the pool....which we need to wait longer for because nothing has dried out yet. All those things that in other years we would already be enjoying. Some years the air conditioner has even been needed before now.
Please Mother Nature give us a break. A little sunshine. A little heat. We will take anything. And I promise we will all stop complaining.
Just a sparkle of hope is all I'm asking for.
Tuesday, 9 May 2017
We just got horrible service at Canadian Tire. A little back story.....ordered a part, it never showed, asked why, no response, complained it was over 2 days, was told yelling wasn't going to help anything.
Yelling? Yelling? My voice may be called annoying but trust me everyone is well aware when I'm yelling. No mistaking that. And I most definitely wasn't yelling.
Right beside the cash register is a notice stating that staff has a right to work in a safe environment without abuse. Abuse is yelling, swearing or threatening staff. Asking a question apparently is abuse. At least to that clerk. Funny enough I commented to John, on the previous visit looking for the part, that he had better be careful or he would be considered abusive. Again he had just asked a question.
When did asking a question become abusive? Does wanting information make for an unsafe workplace? Do I not have the right to ask where something I ordered and paid for, is? I would think that was okay. Apparently not.
Having worked with the public for too many years to count, I know people are horrible. They are rude, demeaning and arrogant. But that same experience means I know that anger, rudeness and yelling get me nowhere. I'm very adept at being polite and empathetic towards those who have given me bad service. That's why I am always happy with the outcome if I have to complain about something.
Is good customer service dead? Of course not. But many companies are lacking. We need to let them know when they fail us. More importantly, we need to compliment the ones who do a great job. Like the EB Games close to me or Costco. We all have our own list.
Even after my "yelling".....still waiting for that part!
I got up early this morning. Guess what I saw? Blue sky. The sun rising. It's a miracle! I wasn't sure it was going to ever happen again. A week of rain followed by snow flurries yesterday.....yes in May! The sun is a welcome visitor.
If it stays out all day, fingers crossed on that one, the grass will be a foot high. So will the dandelions. The flowers will open and maybe a bee or two might be seen. And that poor robin, who has a nest on my wreath, won't have to freeze keeping her babies warm.
Sunshine means I won't have to turn the heat on. Or see Alex leave for school with his winter jacket on. Dog walkers will be able to leave their hats and gloves at home. Well, maybe not it's still only 1 degree.
No matter what else happens today, weather wise, I'm going to enjoy these few brief moments of spring. Listen to the birds singing. Watch the squirrels doing their thing. All with a smile on my face.
Live in the moment my friends.
Monday, 8 May 2017
Down Town
Living in the burbs means I don't get downtown often. Especially during the week. But when I do I enjoy myself immensely. It's a different world. One that I wish we lived in. At least part of the time.
The market is fun to walk through. I love the flowers vendors. Great prices and so many colors. I'm sure some of them don't occur naturally. I can picture myself out for a morning stroll and coming home with a fresh bouquet to brighten the window ledge.
Every designer has a store. Tiffany's is there. Michael Kors, Kate Spade, and Nordstroms. You know, the places that sell Burberry scarves at $550 a pop. Or a $1000 wallet that leaves you with no money to put in it. I love those places!! I would need to win the lottery to buy everything that caught my eye.
Not that the suburbs are bad but to be able to walk to many restaurants, theater, concerts.....sounds great. Not with kids mind you. Too many people. Not enough open spaces. Kids need room to grow.
Yes there are lots of sirens and construction noise. There is a constant stream of garbage trucks and horns blowing. But I think it would be nice to have everything at your fingertips and within walking distance.
Maybe after the kids move out....if we live that long!
Water Everywhere
John is home from work today. The flooding around his work has hit an unsafe level and they were told to stay home. In fact, flooding is the big topic all across the country. British Columbia, New Brunswick, and Quebec are all dealing with a certain amount of it. Ottawa is no exception.
Several houses not far from us have been evacuated by the city because of the fear of a landslide. These houses back onto a ravine/gully and the week of heavy rain has taken most of their back yards and deposited it in the stream below! Scary stuff.
Locally those who live on the river are fighting to save their homes. Unfortunately, you don't always win against Mother Nature. I would imagine this is one of the things you must consider before buying a home on the matter where you live. Good luck to them all.
The army has been called in for many areas. Evacuating residents, sandbagging and debris removal. I heard a few people complaining that they came too late. Please remember they must be asked...they can't just show up as a unit and help. That is an issue you need to address with your local government officials. Thank those in uniform whole-heartedly for coming to your aid.
This morning brought snow flurries and temperatures in the minuses ...I don't know if that's a help or a hindrance. But it's May there shouldn't be snow flurries period!
Stay warm. Stay dry. Stay safe.
Friday, 5 May 2017
The Not-So-Friendly Skies
When did flying the "friendly skies" become so difficult? When did road rage move to 30,000 feet? It seems like every day we see another video of a passenger, or crew, doing something crazy. The FAA rules are being enforced, or not enforced, depending on what the airline reps have for breakfast.
Over the years it's become much more common to hear of a plane making an emergency landing because of unruly passengers. Handcuffs are now standard issue on flights....just in case someone needs to be restrained. The rules have changed and not everyone is happy, including the airlines.
It used to be the occasional flyer would have a little too much to drink and perhaps not be happy when they were told no more booze. Now a melt down could happen because you weren't given the entire can of soda!
Over booking flights is the main culprit though. It is frustrating to be told you must get off a plane you are buckled into. Especially when you have paid the ridiculous amount of money it now costs to fly. But airlines based in the United States do it all the time. We were booked on a flight with United a few years ago and while they had booked us, because of weather delays, we had not been assigned seats so we technically were not on the flight. The plane was over booked by about fifteen people. We got lucky that a family of four didn't get to the airport in time and we got their first class seats!
In the past John and I have benefited from over booked flights. We gladly volunteered to take a later flight and were given free passes to anywhere the airlines flew. Without kids it was not an issue hanging out in the airport for another hour or two. With food and beverage vouchers no less. Those days seem to be long gone.
When you get on a plane from now on take a deep breath. Relax your body and mind. Put on your headphones and meditate. Remember everyone wants to get to their destination safe and in one piece.
Or take an Ativan....what ever works.
Thursday, 4 May 2017
The Caravan Blues
We have been the proud owners of a Dodge Caravan for over ten years now. It has never let us down on long road trips. It's done the trip to Florida twice and except for a little black smoke, got us there, and back, safe and sound. A 5000 km trip to Alberta was uneventful....ok the mirror flew off in the mountains but hey that stuff happens! I'm not so sure though that it's going to survive it's next hurtle.
Every year all vehicles must be registered. And if your car is over a certain age it needs an emission test before the province says it's ok to drive it. The van needed some work last year before they passed it. To the tune of $700. This year I'm not sure there is enough money to get it to pass. John swears it can be done....I think he is hoping for a "Hail Mary" moment.
While the van has had it's fair share of work over the years, we've been able to do most of it. Anything emissions related must be done by the professionals. At least the expensive parts of it. Now comes the hard decision...when is enough enough. John is having a harder time of that than I am.
It would be very hard going back to being a one car family. We did it for a few years when Alex was a baby. Both John and I like coming and going when ever we like. But my car isn't paid for yet and we definitely don't want two car payments!
Pass or fail. Keep or scrap heap. The van will go down as the most fuel efficient, reliable vehicle we have ever owned. Fingers crossed it will be around for a at least a few more years.
It's not like I'd teach Alex to drive in my car!
Tuesday, 2 May 2017
Count Your Health Care Blessings
Jimmy Kimmel just brought me to tears. His monologue last night, which I saw on Twitter, about his son having open heart surgery at three days old, is heart wrenching to say the least. He was so honest and open about the devastating diagnosis, that it will make you look at the comedian in a new light. The story ended on a wonderful note with Billy surviving the surgery and being able to go home five days after the surgery. Success. Those doctors will forever be in the Kimmel family's hearts.
But he brought up an even bigger point. One that is very timely and so important. His son, had he been born before 2014, would not have qualified for health insurance in the U.S. because he was born with a pre-existing condition. Imagine that. The Kimmel's could afford any type of care needed even with out insurance. But what about you and me? We certainly could not.
Jimmy said, through tears, no parent should have to figure out how to pay to keep their child alive. How can you claim to be the greatest country in the world and have that happen? Does a child's life have a price tag? It seems so. Let me children's hospital in the U.S. is ever going to not treat a child because of financial reasons. That's not who doctors and nurses who care for children are. Insurance companies well they are a different story.
No matter your politics. No matter your finances. No matter where you live or what religion you practice, all people will agree on this one point.....we need to keep our children healthy. No matter the cost. These are innocent children. They must be taken care of. Period.
With universal healthcare in Canada some people focus on what is wrong with our system. One thing I know for sure. I will NEVER have to worry about taking my child to the doctor. A trip to the hospital won't bankrupt me. We will always be given the absolute best care possible. Always.
We are so lucky.
Monday, 1 May 2017
#12 Small Town Proud
Yesterday afternoon the Cape Breton West Islanders won the 2017 Telus Cup! This midget hockey tournament is for teams from all across Canada. In the scope of hockey tournaments it's a big deal. A really big deal. It's an even bigger deal for my family since #12 Avery Warner was playing! We are so proud. Beyond proud.
What makes this an even bigger achievement is what it shows the kids of the small towns that make up this team. Rural can mean success! Living in an urban area with more resources doesn't necessarily mean better. Hard work and dedication, combined with a little luck, makes anything possible.
Growing up in the country, kids feel like they are missing out on things. And really they are. There are no arts or sports schools available. Chances are the range of classes are not as wide. There might not be a robotics club or musical theater. Maybe there is no one available to tutor in physics. Or no movie theater or violin lessons. You pay a price for the rural lifestyle.
But what you lose, or gladly give up, you gain in many other things. A sense of community that can't be explained to a city dweller. Lots of eyes making sure you are safe. Extended family is the norm. Friendships that last forever. Sometimes the kids don't realize this til they're older but one day their eyes will open.
The Islanders come from these small towns.They were the under-dogs. The disadvantaged so to speak. But they showed that anything is possible if you set your mind to it and work tirelessly to succeed.
Congratulations CBW Islanders on your win. You've shown the country that small town Canada has big time talent. You are inspirations. And with a huge amount of family pride...Avery we can't wait to see what you do next!
My Dad would have loved to see Warner on the back of a hockey jersey on tv!
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