Monday 15 May 2017

What A Weekend

  Yesterday was Mother's Day here in Canada. A day to celebrate those who take care of us no matter how old we are. And as is my own Mother's Day tradition, I didn't send my Mom or my Mom-in-law, a card let alone a gift. Actually, Mom's gift is on the kitchen table. It was supposed to be her bday gift last month but it never made it to the post office then either. I'm such an ungrateful daughter.

  However, it was also John's birthday. So while I did give birth to two children it really was his day as well. Not that it was celebrated by either of us completely. It's been a weird few days. 

  The van has completely taken over John's mind as he tries to fix it....enough to get the emissions test passed for another year. We only have a few more payments on my car but really don't want to buy another vehicle just yet. The idea of putting aside a few months payments is very appealing to both of us. But after an entire week of working on it, he is still not ready for the test. 

  I picked up my "old lady" glasses on Friday. While I had been warned by many friends, not to mention the service people at the store, I was ill-prepared for the effects of progressive lens. Friday night and all day Saturday were write-offs. I was dizzy and nauseous. The concept of moving my face in the proper direction seems simple enough but years of just moving my eyes to focus on something was hard to overcome. Today is better. Not much but better. Besides at $900 for new glasses I'm damn well going to adjust. 

  In fact, my out-of-sorts was so bad we canceled John's birthday dinner. John wanted to be working on the van then watching the hockey game anyway so he wasn't too disappointed. He is an easy person who doesn't stand on ceremony. Thankfully because we totally dropped the ball this year!

  Another week has started. This will be better than the last. A more organized, less scrambled week. No matter how busy we are we won't forget anything or anyone. Guaranteed.

  A girl can dream right?



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