Thursday 18 May 2017

It's Hot

  It was 30+ degrees yesterday. Our first absolutely beautiful day. Blue skies. Warm breezes. Glorious sunshine. You couldn't ask for anything more, weather wise. That is until it was time to sleep.

  We have a two storey house. And heat rises. Boy did it rise yesterday. When I finally left my 24 degree living room and walked up the stairs, I knew I was in trouble. When I say it was at least 30 degrees I'm not exaggerating. The air was heavy. No movement at all because of course the windows were closed.

  It's hard to sleep in that extreme heat. Almost impossible for me. Of course it didn't help that John kept throwing his half of the duvet on top of me. At least the boys rooms have ceiling fans. Thankfully they slept well.

  Our new air conditioner isn't installed til next week. The old one isn't connected to the electrical panel anymore. Even though it is an electricity bill nightmare I would have gladly taken it over the tiny fan in my large bedroom.

  I'm embarassed to complain about the heat. After the contstant rain for over a week I should be ecstatic about the sun. And I promise I will be. 

  Next week once the central air kicks in!


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