Thursday 18 May 2017


  "No politician in history and I say this with great surety, has been treated worse or more unfairly." - Donald Trump

  Yes, you read it right. Donald Trump thinks that after only 118 days he is the most hard-done-by politician EVER. Anywhere! Shame on you the people of the United States. What are you thinking?? Who does he think he is?  

  Does the name Nelson Mandela mean anything to you Donald? You know the guy who spent 27 years in prison. In a small cell with his bed on the floor. Ring any bells for you? 

  What about Barack Obama? Surely his name is familiar. He's the one you said wasn't born in the U.S. Remember.... the Muslim President. The guy who had you bugged. 

  Oh, and we can't forget those pioneering women who were the first female politicians. They had it easy didn't they? Everyone was super nice to them. You have it sooooo much harder than they did.

  Let me give you some advice Mr. Trump. Stop whining. Stop talking about the election. Forget the name Hilary. Don't try to make yourself a martyr. Do your job. Just do your damn job.

  I thought he was supposed to be the oldest President ever. So why is he whining like a six-year-old?



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