Wednesday 17 May 2017

Morning News

  At 6:15 I go downstairs, turn on the coffee maker then turn on the news. See what happened over night in the world. This is how I start every weekday morning. Since January 20 it starts the same way....Trump. And never in a good way.

  Seriously what the hell is this man thinking? Not a day goes by, except Saturday and Sunday because after all, he is a weekday leader, where he hasn't said or done something that is ridiculous. On the weekends, he just tweets something that is totally out to lunch. 

  Here at home, we are still talking about PM Trudeau's Christmas vacation. Almost 5 months ago! Nothing scandalous really has happened since...and I honestly don't think it's that scandalous either. When you compare the two countries it really shines a halo over our government. 

  A few things have totally left the news though like healthcare, tax reform, and Ivanka & Jared.  Not a word about issues that everyday Americans need help with. Where did "the wall" go? Or jobs? No news broadcast has time to cover the real issues.

  Say what you like it's a car wreck. And the world has stopped to take a look. At least as Canadians, we can say.....

  Not my circus. Not my monkeys!


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