Monday 7 December 2015

I Should Be

  I should be out shopping. I should be cleaning the bathroom. I should be folding laundry and taking suitcases out of the closet. I should be at the post office with the last packages that need to go. I should be. But I'm not.

  And I'm not going to be. The "happiest time of the year" is also the most tiring. I'm moving slowly and while things are getting done there is definitely no running involved.

  But today, just today, I'm doing what I want to do. Not what I have to do. Or what I should be doing. I want to stay in my pajamas today so that takes everything outside the house right off the table.

  It hasn't slipped my attention that the list I've made is still quite long. Or that the living room has Christmas boxes still in the way. I am aware that the dining room table is covered in Christmas cards, bows, ribbons and a puzzle we were supposed to make a week ago. I have eyes.

  So far I would call the day a success though. Dinner is in the slow cooker. Dishes are washing as I type. A load of laundry is dry and just waiting to be folded. And the final teacher gift is wrapped. That seems like a good start and it's not even noon.

  No matter what I should be doing I'm going to go vacuum, with LOTR on in the background. I wonder how that escaped the list?


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