Thursday 31 December 2015

Reflections of 2015

  Two days ago was my birthday. I don't moan about getting older....we all know what the alternative is. But I do take a few minutes each year to think about my life and all the things that have happened in the past year. Both good and bad.

  Since I'm very slow at writing this holiday season and it's New Years Eve, I thought I'd combine the two and share my list of happenings for 2015. In no particular order here we go......

  We were so lucky this year with some new additions. Chelsea joined our family and we were able to see her and Daniel tie the knot in the most personal wedding I've ever been to. Although we may never make that drive, 8056 kms round trip, again! 

  Lincoln, our first great-nephew, made his debut as well. Too cute for words and now walking. Boy how time flies. My cousin Max became a grandma. And one of my favorite people, Janet, announced she is going to be a grandma. Two strong, beautiful ladies passing on their wisdom to the next generation. Those babies are/will be in good hands. And spoiled rotten I'm sure.

   That incredibly crazy drive did let me see one of my favorite people in the world for three whole days. Tom you were the highlight of my year. Boy I wish we lived closer.

  Alex "graduated" from grade six and moved on to new challenges at high school. He is changing so fast and I really can see the man he is going to become. And I can pretty much guarantee, writer is not going to be his chosen profession.

  Riley has become obsessed with singing. That's not new though. The karaoke machine Santa brought is getting a lot of use. He's becoming more independent. Fingers crossed that's an on-going trend.

  John got a new job. While it hasn't started yet, I think he's anxious to move on now that the decision is made. Same hours though so that alarm will still go off at 5:00 am. Ugh.

  This year has just sort of sailed easily for me. I hope I'm not testing fate by saying that. I have surrounded myself with great people. My family is healthy and happy. We have enough. Enough money, food and security. 

  And I have this. What started as a dare has become the perfect forum for me to express my thoughts and ideas on life in general. Life as I see it. What matters to me at any given moment. I didn't think I would enjoy it as much as I do. So I guess I learned something about myself this year too.

  It is December 31,2015. I hope you take a moment today to reflect on your year. To take stock of what you have experienced. Think of the fun times. Put the bad times to bed. A new year means new opportunities. A chance to reinvent yourself and your life.

  Me, I'm sticking with what I've got. It's a wonderful life.

  Happy 2016 my friends!!!



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