Thursday 24 December 2015


  HoHoHo it's Christmas Eve! Can you believe it? Finally. After the weeks of decorating, shopping, planning and organizing it's here. My kids are beyond excited and so are we!

  We got home yesterday from vacation....more about that at a later date...and are now in full Christmas mode. Not much to do but enough to make the next twelve hours eventful.

  One thing I'm not looking forward to is the trip to the grocery. It's not in my top 100 things to begin with but this time of year brings more crowds than ever. But it's a necessary "after vacation" evil that this year just happens to fall on one of the busiest days of the year. I'll survive I'm sure.

  Our tree, while missing the usual ribbon, looks beautiful with the lights glowing in the window. The presents are wrapped so pretty it's almost a shame to open them. The house has a special festive feel to it. It makes me smile. 

  But it is 2:20 in the morning and while everyone else is sound asleep with visions of sugarplums dancing in their heads, I'm up. That's changing right now.

  What is a sugarplum anyway?


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