Monday, 29 February 2016
Chris Rock
Next to the late, great Robin Williams, Chris Rock is my favorite comedian. He talks about everything. No subject is taboo. I love him. So when he was picked as the Oscar host I was happy. Then the controversy began and talks of a boycott. It was then that I really knew he was the best choice.
Boy did he pull it off! Laugh out loud funny while dealing head on with the elephant in the room. Even saying yes Hollywood is racist. But in a way that was real and his own.
He talked about the real issue too. You can't get nominated if you aren't in film. The starting point of a more diversified awards show. Lots of actors of color were nodding their heads. Lots of white actors looked very uncomfortable in their seats. And they were a little unsure whether they should laugh or not. That I found amusing.
No one is saying Jennifer Lawrence wasn't a great Katniss Everdeen. But would the film have been significantly different if it had been Lupita Nyong'o in the role? Or Jessica Alba? Or Tika Sumpter? Of course not.
Britain seems to do diversity better than any place else. Every sex, age, race, orientation, weight and beauty is shown. In every day life without it being an "issue". One of the many reasons I love British shows and movies.
Congratulations Chris Rock! You told Hollywood exactly what it needed to hear. In the way they needed to hear it. On the most important evening of the year for them. Bravo.
You deserve an award.
Sunday, 28 February 2016
Four years ago today my Dad died. What an odd thing to write.
Dad had a quirky sense of humor that I'm happy to say Alex has inherited. He always had a story, usually a lie, that would leave you shaking your head and laughing. Uncle Johnny used to kick him out of the house for his stories. But secretly would laugh til he cried while Dad drove away.
Everyone had a nickname. Some from affection. Some because he didn't remember your name. Poor Lenny got the worst. And where Bick came from for Cindy I have no idea. Even the Priest in his eulogy mentioned the nicknames which drew a much needed laugh in the church.
Growing up poor made a lasting impression on Dad. He never shied away from hard work. I remember him telling us how they were made fun of for taking lobster sandwiches to school. Only the poorest of the poor did that. Can you imagine!
No matter what Mom gave Dad to eat, a slice of bread or the finest steak, he always said thank you. Always. Something so simple which we forget to do except when we are at someone else's house. I guess when you have gone to bed hungry that feeling never leaves you completely. When Riley slurps his soup, which he often does, and I try to correct his manners, he smiles and reminds me that "Papa said it was ok". How do I contradict that?
Today I remember all the laughter, stories and good times we spent together. The card games. Drinking instant coffee at the table. The two minute phone conversations about how much snow we got. Talks about lobsters and the fisheries. Arguing about hockey. You know...the small things that make a life.
Make memories. Hold them in your heart. And those who have died are never really gone.
**a real phone call between Dad and I about six years ago**
Me: What are you doing?
Dad: Building a henweigh.
Me: What's a henweigh?
Dad: Three or four pounds!
Sunday, 21 February 2016
Rechargeable Batteries
As you may have noticed I took a few days off from writing to recharge my batteries....not the laptop but my own. Every so often I believe you need to step away from your day to day life and refocus. Re-energize so to speak. Plus I was single parenting and that leaves you little or no "free" time and drains your batteries on a daily basis.
I'm not used to John travelling anymore. It was such a huge part of our early life together. Some years he was gone more often than home. After Alex was born he was still travelling but not as much. Since Riley arrived on the scene it's been less and less. So last week was a re-introduction to his being gone...but this time with two kids.
Now at 9 and 12 they aren't babies. They don't require 24/7 attention. But the parenting workload is still huge. I'm used to sharing the load so it was an eye opener for me. Even when I think John isn't doing anything "parental" the truth is just by being there he is!
How do single parents do it? All day every day. They must be exhausted. Of course they are. Since I'm home all day I have it easier and still it sucked the life out of me.
Yesterday I slept. I watched a little television then slept. Made lunch then slept. Read a little then slept. Made dinner then slept. Then went to bed and slept. I'm fully recharged.
Bring it on.
Tuesday, 16 February 2016
Snow Day
It's snowing! We are in the early stages of a winter storm. In total they are saying 40 cms which is roughly 16 inches for you non-metric folks. Thankfully we have a snow removal service this year. It's not the shoveling I mind it's the cold. I don't like to be cold.
While I am drinking coffee I'm again scrolling through the news items of the day and saw a few I thought were worth sharing.
Two hospitals were damaged in northern Syria leaving many dead and many more injured. I'm not sure who bombed it. I'm not sure I care. When you bomb a hospital it is a whole different level of evil.
Tom Cruise was at the BAFTA's with ummm.....a new look. I'm all for botox and and plastic surgery but you need to know when it's enough. He missed that memo I think.
Last night was the Grammy's with Taylor Swift winning album of the year. She gave a very classy acceptance speech but a big part of me wanted her to call out the "man who made her" and call him some nasty names. I guess that's one way she is nicer than I am.
Marco Rubio, who wants to be the President of the U.S., released a new ad. It features scenes of the country. But the opening scene is of the Vancouver skyline. Yes Vancouver, Canada. That's funny.
Boxer Manny Pacquiao apologized for describing homosexuals as "worse than animals". If he truly believed it why apologize? Obviously all the backlash made him do it. So I'm guessing he really does believe it but doesn't want to be disliked. That being the case why would anyone accept his apology? I wouldn't.
It's snowing even harder now. Nothing is moving. The kids are home from school. There will be no piano lessons tonight. We will stay nice and cozy inside.
Even I have to sure is pretty out there!
Monday, 15 February 2016
The English Teacher
I despise my son's English teacher. I would say hate but really I don't hate anyone. So despise will have to do. This man has ruined, yes ruined, grade seven. For me.
This teacher, who shall remain nameless, has assigned the class book reports. Eight to be exact. Eight. And every book must be by a different author, from a different genre and at least 180 pages long. Did I mention this is grade 7?
Reading is not Alex's strong suit. In fact other than the History of Nintendo I don't think the child has ever read a book for pleasure. So these reports are challenging. For both of us.
No exaggeration, I have probably told him to read 10,000 times since October when this was assigned. He picked some "easy" reads to start. The Hunger Games and The Outsiders. Great teenage stories. Both took FOREVER to get through. Then he had to write the actual reports!
Four were turned in January 4 with four more due by mid May. It's the middle of February and the next book isn't even read yet. He is reading The Prisoner of Azkaban. You know Harry Potter. Alex started reading it 3 weeks ago and is on page 72. He has seen the movie several times so yesterday I told him to start writing. I know it's not the same but I'm dying here. Hopefully the movie stayed true to the book.
With three more books to read and four reports to write, I'm sure I will be able to add another 10,000 to my count. I should have kept count on how many Tylenol I've had to take because of it.
Or how many bottles of wine!
Family Day
It's Family Day in many provinces here in Canada. Most grocery stores, malls and businesses are closed. The government is shut down. No mail delivery or banks are open. Almost all services are closed so their employees can spend the day with their family. Wonderful isn't it?
I remember the first Family Day in Alberta many, many years ago. I was bartending and who should sit at the bar but the Premier! After getting his drink he asked me how I was enjoying Family Day. What a strange question I told him. He looked very surprised and asked me why. Because I'm not spending the day with my family, I'm working!
See Family Day started out as a government day off. Malls and groceries were open "holiday" hours. All restaurants, bars, gas stations, coffee shops and drugstores were open. I guess at first their families didn't count. The only people not at work were government and bank workers.
Things have changed now. Almost, and I stress almost, everything is closed. Except the restaurants, bars, coffee shops, gas stations and drugstores. Ok not so many changes.
While I understand that it's your holiday, remember the waitstaff, pharmacy technicians and gas bar workers all have families too. Theirs just don't seem as important as everyone else's.
Sunday, 14 February 2016
Valentine's Day...part 3
Well the big day has arrived! Did you wake up to flowers, chocolate and jewelry? Does that special someone in your life have a day planned full of romance and love? Dinner reservations at a swanky restaurant? Or are you anticipating those four little words spoken while a ring box perches nearby?
I started the morning off with a beautiful card made by the precious hands of my nine year old. Literally his hands. On paper with all the people I love on the fingertips. When I woke up it was lying on my nightstand. It just proves he can be quiet in the morning if he chooses!
When I came downstairs John had flowers for me. Quite the surprise. He bought them yesterday and it was so cold some froze on the way to the car! But they are beautiful and make me smile as they sit in the sunshine.
Next came breakfast. Served to me! I didn't cook one thing. Nothing. That is by far the best present EVER! Mom's you know what I mean.
As I said a few days ago we aren't big celebrators of Feb. 14. But this was perfect. I'll take flowers and a meal I don't have to cook any day over gold and diamonds.
Don't misunderstand me....I'd take plane tickets to a warm climate over anything!
Saturday, 13 February 2016
Extreme Cold
Today it's extremely cold. And I mean extremely cold. The local station says -28 with a wind chill ranging from -35 to -45. Over night it's dropping another few degrees and the wind will still be a factor. Brrrr.
It's a staying indoors kind of day. Of course not me. I've dropped off both kids and picked up one with a quick grocery store stop in between. Each time I got out of the car the wind took my breath away. The hat, gloves and scarf did little to keep the heat in.
John had to go out and work on the car for a few minutes. He set a new record for pouring power steering fluid. Hopefully it helped but if it didn't I doubt he is changing any thing in the next few days.
My friend's car froze. Yup froze. Apparently new cars in Ottawa don't come with block heaters. Those of you on the prairies will have a chuckle over that. They are hoping it will thaw out by Tuesday.
Time to build a fire, make some dinner, snuggle under a soft blanket and put some bailey's in a coffee. Maybe even cuddle with hubby.
But then who will do the dishes?
Friday, 12 February 2016
Bye Bye Kanye
Am I the only person on the planet sick and tired of Kanye West? He could be Donald Trump's twin. Two people who speak without thinking and have over inflated egos. The crap that comes out of his mouth is unbelievable.
If you are a fan, please forgive me. But I'm finished spending one second of my life listening to both his rants and his music. He insults everyone. The stunts he has pulled at the Grammy's over the years is childish. I'd send Riley to his room if he behaved like that.
Now he's insulting Taylor Swift. Again. Everyone remembers the grabbing of the microphone at the Grammy's. And now he takes to Twitter to defend himself. Misogynistic is a word that comes to mind. So do a few swear words.
From this day forward I will roll my eyes at his arrogance, stupidity and childishness. I will turn the channel when he is on a show. And though I will watch SNL for Melissa McCarthy, I will fast forward through his segment. But I will no longer comment.
At least out loud.
Thursday, 11 February 2016
Facebook has made the world a much smaller place. I'm able to keep in touch with so many friends and family. I see their photos, read about their daily lives and wish them happy birthday....all from the comfort of my own home.
Like this morning I saw a photo of my grand-nephew who is 11 months old today. They live eight hours north of us and we rarely see them. But at any time I can see his gorgeous, smiling face and see just how quickly he is growing.
My friend Lew has a business in Winnipeg, The Civility Experts, and I'm able to celebrate with her every time she reaches a new milestone. And there are lots of those.
Even my Mother has an account! While she's not a big poster she follows the kids and knows what they are up to. She can see photos and send them messages. It makes her living 1500 kms away seem not quite so far.
Janet and I can have entire conversations on Facebook Messenger. We can keep doing whatever and come back to the conversation in a few minutes. Her parenting advice keeps me from going to jail some days ;)
It also can give you a chuckle. People find and post some of the funniest videos and photos ever! We can all use a good laugh to start off the day. Those minion pics always make me laugh out loud.
So thank you Mark Zuckerberg for giving me one more way to keep in touch with my family and friends. For the opportunity to share my life with those far away. Thank you.
Oh and for giving me another excuse not to do laundry! Like right now.
Wednesday, 10 February 2016
Valentine's Day...part 2
I talked a little before about Valentine's Day and the way John and I celebrate it. But then I got to thinking about something a friend said to me a few years back. What about single people? Those people who are "between" relationships or who have just "consciously uncoupled". What an awful day it is for them.
And what about the people who have lost their significant other? Do we think they are over joyed at another day where romance and love is front and center? Knowing those days with the love of their life is gone?
Can we really be sensitive to their feelings when we've got a new diamond ring on our finger just itching to be shown off?
Of course not. I'm sure they are happy for their friends but it's rubbing their noses in it just a little don't you think? Perhaps we need to remember that just because it's Valentine's Day, and we got over priced flowers and they didn't, the world doesn't revolve around us.
That's Kanye West.
Or Donald Trump.
Valentine's Day....part 1
This weekend is Valentine's day. A day dedicated to romance and love. A day spent in the company of the one you adore, the person who makes your heart beat faster.
I'm betting there will be more proposals, weddings and declarations of love than on other days. More men spending money they don't have on things they are led to believe are romantic. Expensive restaurants will do a brisk trade. The flower shops are over run. Chocolate stores are busy from open til close.
Being with the same person for 29 years (!!) has it's benefits. We've done the flowers and heart shaped boxes of candy years ago. Now we do the "real" romantic stuff. The things that show how much we really love each other.
John will take the boys downstairs on Sunday and let me sleep in. He will keep them quiet and entertained so they don't come back upstairs to ask me crazy questions. While doing this he will empty the dishwasher and reload it if necessary. Probably get the clothes out of the dryer too. That, my friends, is true love and the ultimate romantic gesture.
When I get up I will go out into the cold and buy macaroni and can tomatoes. Without any complaints I will make his all time favorite meal. The above mentioned foods mixed together. To me it is revolting. The idea of it makes my stomach curdle. Yet I will do it because it makes him happy and let's him know how much I care.
There will be no over-priced flowers. No chocolates. No dinner out...remember we are vacation people and would rather travel than eat at a restaurant. There will probably be a card. Surely one from the boys. Lots of hugs and kisses too I'm sure.
As the day comes to an end, we realize that every day for us IS Valentine's Day. We have each other. We are happy and still in love after all these years. No amount of jewelry, flowers or candy can show me that any clearer.
A heated floor in the en-suite might though.
Sunday, 7 February 2016
Super Bowl News
It's Super Bowl Sunday! The one day a year my husband eats unhealthy food in great quantities. To start the day he had oatmeal and then went to the gym. By the time he arrived home the pregame pregame show was starting. So began the junk food.
He's had, in no particular order, peanuts, nachos and cheese, chicken wings, ribs, chips, pop and wine. All of which he wanted for "game day". I'd bet money he hasn't touched a chicken wing since last February and nachos probably longer.
But while he watches the game, with the kids close by because they want some food too, I've had a chance to surf a little. And boy have I seen some crazy stuff! For example...
Brazil is by far the most dangerous country in the world. Lots of murders. The statistics are staggering. They have 21 of the top 50 most dangerous cities in the world. I guess we aren't moving there.
This entire Ghomeshi trial makes you understand why women rarely make sexual assault charges. They are on trial. Release bikini photos?? What does that have to do with anything? These women are the victims not the criminals.
A three year old took a loaded gun off his great grandparents nightstand and shot and killed his nine year old sister. The great grandfather did not know the children would be visiting. Another tragedy involving guns in the U.S. When does it end?
And on a lighter note....a lady in Italy is going to trial for not doing enough housework! WTH?? I would never get out of jail! Apparently she rarely cooked too. Well I guess we aren't moving there either.
These are just a few of the crazy things in the news today. It's half time. I guess I'll go watch Queen B. And feed John some more nachos ;)
Thursday, 4 February 2016
What A Day...Part 2
When we left off Riley and I were hurrying into the arena. You know how I love the cold, note the sarcasm. This kid leaves home for every practice fully dressed except this week where he needs elbow pads and a jersey which he can't put on while I tie the skates. He keeps telling me I can't possibly tie them as tight as John. As soon as I'm finished he complains they are too tight. I can't win.
Off he goes. I now have time to reply to some emails and messages. Riley had an issue with a friend at school and I needed to chat with his Mom. Back and forth we go with text messages. I make a quick phone call to Alex. He needs to be packing for skiing. Yes Mom I'm doing it he says. Knowing he isn't, I wait five minutes and call back. Ok Mom I'll do it now he says. Again I wait five minutes and call. I can't find......fill in the blank because he can't seem to find anything.
Hockey is over and we head out. It's almost nine. Way past Riley's regular bedtime. As I walk in the door, still no John, Alex comes down the stairs, ipod in hand, asking me where everything is. He has found nothing and packed nothing. Oh and his ski helmet and winter boots have disappeared.
After searching the entire house, John finally returns. Alex scrambles to the van looking for the missing items. Of course they aren't there. That would be too easy. It's 9:30. I get Riley to bed. He complains it's too loud to sleep. It really was. The search continues.
Around ten o'clock Alex says that maybe he forgot the helmet at the ski hill....two weeks ago! We have scoured the whole house. It's not here. Gone. The only been used twice, expensive ski helmet, is gone. Left behind.
What can we do? Nothing. It's too late. We've paid for another three weeks of skiing and three more private lessons. We have invested a lot of time and money into the idea of teaching him to ski. Too late to back out now.
I'm frustrated. And angry. But mostly frustrated. This is one more thing in a long history of our unfocused child. He loses, misplaces, forgets and leaves behind. That's who he is. Knowing and accepting that are two totally different things.
Finally I get to bed. I crawl under the covers and hope that tomorrow is better. I turn off the light and with one final check of the ipad alarm, off to dream land I go. A few seconds later I hear a cow mooing. Yes a cow.
I give up.
What A Day....Part 1
You know how some days everything you touch turns to gold? Yesterday, for me, everything turned into coal. Or stone. Or something. Sadly it seems it's continuing on today. I feel a little like Charlie Brown....good grief.
It started yesterday with a snow day from school. After living on the prairies for years I can, 99.9% of the time, drive anywhere on any road conditions. But there had been a lot of freezing rain and I have chosen vacation over winter tires for two years now so both kids stayed home.
The day was fill with arguing, screaming and name calling. Of course Alex thought a "free" day meant lying in bed on the computer. He was mistaken. That was fun said no parent ever. But we made it to dinner time with no blood so it's somewhat of a success.
Dinner, of course, didn't turn out so great either. The chicken didn't seem to want to cook. Forty five minutes later it still wasn't done. That meant a trip to the microwave and I don't need to tell you that doesn't end well. Barely edible to say the least.
John has an eye appointment so he cannot take Riley to hockey practice. As soon as he leaves we realized the skates, helmet, gloves and stick needed are in his van. Off we, Riley and I, race to the Dr.'s office. No John. Thinking he must already be inside I ask the receptionist who informs me he does not have an appointment....since I confirmed it on Monday when I had mine I knew this was untrue.
Ten minutes later John is sauntering down the hall. He was looking at the boats on display, taking his time and dreaming. We now have only thirty minutes til hockey and Riley is anxious. But first John wants to speak to the receptionist about the non-appointment. As he walks in an old colleague shows up and they proceed to chat. Time keeps ticking by. Riley gets more anxious.
Finally we can all head to the van for the hockey equipment and load it into my small, hard-to-fit-in-a-hockey-stick, car. At last we are on our way with ten whole minutes to spare. We might just make it.
To Be Continued.....
Tuesday, 2 February 2016
Jason Kenney Strikes Again
If you are a follower of Canadian politics you'll know the name Jason Kenney. He is the Conservative MP for Calgary Southeast. Under PM Steven Harper he was Minister of National Defence and Minister for Multiculturalism. He seems to be one of the most misunderstood MP's in history. At least what he says seems to be taken the wrong way. Note the sarcasm.
Let's go back a few months to October. He met with some new refugee's and tweeted this about one of them...."11 yr- old Xavier is an Iraqi refugee who arrived in CDA via Syria last yr. Already speaks perfect, unaccented English"
The tweet was deleted very quickly. If there was nothing inappropriate about it why delete it? By itself it seems rather odd but we all could word things better and a tweet is unforgiving. I'll give him that.
Now lets peek at the comments he made on the issue of the niqab and the response of Calgary's Mayor, Naheed Nenshi, who believed the Conservatives take on the issue to be dangerous. Mr. Kenney said "it seems to me that the Mayor and people like him who are politicizing it"
Again another explanation needed. It sounds bad. Especially since Mayor Nenshi is Muslim. He obviously took it as an insult or racist remark because his response was "people like me". Jason Kenney went on to explain what he actually meant by it. Damage was done. But we move on.
On Monday, yet again, he has made another comment that, yet again, he has to explain. This time involving the new Minister of National Defence, Harjit Sajjan. This time saying he needs an "English to English translation" to understand the Minister's comments. In case you aren't aware Minister Sajjan, a 26 year veteran of the Canadian Armed Forces, came to Canada at age 5 from India. Now it becomes clearer.
If you look at each one individually you might be able to say well he needs to think before he speaks or tweets. But when you start showing them together it seems a pattern emerges. This is only three examples from the past year or so.
Do I think Jason Kenney is a racist? No probably not. Do I think he comes across as one in the press? I would have to say yes. What he really needs is someone within his own party to say shut the hell up! Surely he has people for that.
I think Mr. Kenney needs some sensitivity training. A few lessons on civility in the workplace. Perhaps he needs to check out Lew Bayer and The Civility Experts at for some tips!
Groundhog Day
The most important weather forecast of the year is happening this morning all across the country. It's so important that it is broadcast on every newscast for the entire day. It's Groundhog Day. The day little towns and villages drag a ground hog out of it's hibernation, watch it stick it's head out and look for a shadow.
If the groundhog sees it's shadow that's bad. Colder more "wintery" weather is heading our way and this poor little rodent goes back to sleep. No shadow means woohoo spring is coming early. But we live in Canada and no one really believes the worst has passed. Do they?
Today is February 2. We all know this month will be long and cold. Longer this year with it being a leap year. March will still be cold. We will have snow storms. Don't put away your snow shovel just yet.
What that rodent does is gives us hope. A light at the end of the tunnel. We've made it this far just hang on a bit longer it says. And hope is never a bad thing. For anyone. In any situation.
Especially a Canadian winter.
Monday, 1 February 2016
The Donald
I feel so bad for the people in the United States right now. Actually I feel bad for everyone in the world who has a tv, computer or smart phone. Donald Trump is everywhere. All the time.
His appeal is mind boggling to me. His fake tan and bad hair aside...and boy is it difficult to get past those....he's a classic bully. Say something he doesn't like. He will call you fat, ugly or stupid. Or he will make fun of your disability, religion or country. On the school yard we would all be rallying against him.
It's obvious he has some anger issues. Not to mention the fact that he seems to dislike women. And I find it very interesting that his wife never goes out campaigning with him. Why's that I wonder? Embarrassed perhaps?
A few of his "memorable" statements include building a fence to keep Mexicans out of the country. And getting them to pay for it. That's funny. Good luck with that Donald. Also the idea of keeping all Muslims out of the country. Even the ones who are US citizens, born and raised.
This is not a man you want to be leading a free and democratic country. Can you imagine him negotiating with Putin? What about Angela Merkel? Would he say similar things to her like he did to Megyn Kelly? I don't think the Chancellor would be so diplomatic in her response.
We are months away from the US election. What started out as a joke is becoming less and less funny by the day.
Except for the hair. That is always funny.
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