Monday 15 February 2016

The English Teacher

  I despise my son's English teacher. I would say hate but really I don't hate anyone. So despise will have to do. This man has ruined, yes ruined, grade seven. For me.

  This teacher, who shall remain nameless, has assigned the class book reports. Eight to be exact. Eight. And every book must be by a different author, from a different genre and at least 180 pages long. Did I mention this is grade 7?

  Reading is not Alex's strong suit. In fact other than the History of Nintendo I don't think the child has ever read a book for pleasure. So these reports are challenging. For both of us. 

  No exaggeration, I have probably told him to read 10,000 times since October when this was assigned. He picked some "easy" reads to start. The Hunger Games and The Outsiders. Great teenage stories. Both took FOREVER to get through. Then he had to write the actual reports!

  Four were turned in January 4 with four more due by mid May. It's the middle of February and the next book isn't even read yet. He is reading The Prisoner of Azkaban. You know Harry Potter. Alex started reading it 3 weeks ago and is on page 72. He has seen the movie several times so yesterday I told him to start writing. I know it's not the same but I'm dying here. Hopefully the movie stayed true to the book.

  With three more books to read and four reports to write, I'm sure I will be able to add another 10,000 to my count. I should have kept count on how many Tylenol I've had to take because of it.

  Or how many bottles of wine!



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