Saturday 13 February 2016

Extreme Cold

  Today it's extremely cold. And I mean extremely cold. The local station says -28 with a wind chill ranging from -35 to -45. Over night it's dropping another few degrees and the wind will still be a factor. Brrrr.

  It's a staying indoors kind of day. Of course not me. I've dropped off both kids and picked up one with a quick grocery store stop in between. Each time I got out of the car the wind took my breath away. The hat, gloves and scarf did little to keep the heat in.

  John had to go out and work on the car for a few minutes. He set a new record for pouring power steering fluid. Hopefully it helped but if it didn't I doubt he is changing any thing in the next few days.

  My friend's car froze. Yup froze. Apparently new cars in Ottawa don't come with block heaters. Those of you on the prairies will have a chuckle over that. They are hoping it will thaw out by Tuesday.

  Time to build a fire, make some dinner, snuggle under a soft blanket and put some bailey's in a coffee. Maybe even cuddle with hubby.

  But then who will do the dishes?


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