Monday 1 February 2016

The Donald

  I feel so bad for the people in the United States right now. Actually I feel bad for everyone in the world who has a tv, computer or smart phone. Donald Trump is everywhere. All the time. 

  His appeal is mind boggling to me. His fake tan and bad hair aside...and boy is it difficult to get past those....he's a classic bully. Say something he doesn't like. He will call you fat, ugly or stupid. Or he will make fun of your disability, religion or country. On the school yard we would all be rallying against him.
  It's obvious he has some anger issues. Not to mention the fact that he seems to dislike women. And I find it very interesting that his wife never goes out campaigning with him. Why's that I wonder? Embarrassed perhaps?

  A few of his "memorable" statements include building a fence to keep Mexicans out of the country. And getting them to pay for it. That's funny. Good luck with that Donald. Also the idea of keeping all Muslims out of the country. Even the ones who are US citizens, born and raised.

  This is not a man you want to be leading a free and democratic country. Can you imagine him negotiating with Putin? What about Angela Merkel? Would he say similar things to her like he did to Megyn Kelly? I don't think the Chancellor would be so diplomatic in her response.

  We are months away from the US election. What started out as a joke is becoming less and less funny by the day.

  Except for the hair. That is always funny.


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