Tuesday 2 February 2016

Groundhog Day

  The most important weather forecast of the year is happening this morning all across the country. It's so important that it is broadcast on every newscast for the entire day. It's Groundhog Day. The day little towns and villages drag a ground hog out of it's hibernation, watch it stick it's head out and look for a shadow.

  If the groundhog sees it's shadow that's bad. Colder more "wintery" weather is heading our way and this poor little rodent goes back to sleep. No shadow means woohoo spring is coming early. But we live in Canada and no one really believes the worst has passed. Do they?

  Today is February 2. We all know this month will be long and cold. Longer this year with it being a leap year. March will still be cold. We will have snow storms. Don't put away your snow shovel just yet.

  What that rodent does is gives us hope. A light at the end of the tunnel. We've made it this far just hang on a bit longer it says. And hope is never a bad thing. For anyone. In any situation.

  Especially a Canadian winter.



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