Wednesday 10 February 2016

Valentine's Day....part 1

  This weekend is Valentine's day. A day dedicated to romance and love. A day spent in the company of the one you adore, the person who makes your heart beat faster. 

  I'm betting there will be more proposals, weddings and declarations of love than on other days. More men spending money they don't have on things they are led to believe are romantic. Expensive restaurants will do a brisk trade. The flower shops are over run. Chocolate stores are busy from open til close.

  Being with the same person for 29 years (!!) has it's benefits. We've done the flowers and heart shaped boxes of candy years ago. Now we do the "real" romantic stuff. The things that show how much we really love each other.

  John will take the boys downstairs on Sunday and let me sleep in. He will keep them quiet and entertained so they don't come back upstairs to ask me crazy questions. While doing this he will empty the dishwasher and reload it if necessary. Probably get the clothes out of the dryer too. That, my friends, is true love and the ultimate romantic gesture.

  When I get up I will go out into the cold and buy macaroni and can tomatoes. Without any complaints I will make his all time favorite meal. The above mentioned foods mixed together. To me it is revolting. The idea of it makes my stomach curdle. Yet I will do it because it makes him happy and let's him know how much I care.

  There will be no over-priced flowers. No chocolates. No dinner out...remember we are vacation people and would rather travel than eat at a restaurant. There will probably be a card. Surely one from the boys. Lots of hugs and kisses too I'm sure.

  As the day comes to an end, we realize that every day for us IS Valentine's Day. We have each other. We are happy and still in love after all these years. No amount of jewelry, flowers or candy can show me that any clearer.

  A heated floor in the en-suite might though.


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