Tuesday, 7 June 2016

Emma's Rant

As the mother of two boys I believe I have a chance to change the world. I can raise two boys to see women as equals. I can teach them that whatever they can do, a women can do. And most importantly I can make them realize women are not objects for their viewing pleasure but human beings who are built beautifully yes, but are so much more than that. A tough job but I think I'm up to the task.

  But mothers of girls....boy I feel for you. Because your girls learn at a ridiculously early age that most boys don't see them that way. They pay the price for moms like me not doing a good job. And they deal with this on a daily basis. Even in places you wouldn't think they should. Like school.

  I'm going to share with you a "rant", her words not mine, by a grade 8 student here in Ottawa about the dress code at her school.....

 "When you interrupt a girls school day to force her to change her clothes, or send her home because her shorts are shorter than knee length, her shoulders or bra straps are visible, just because the school doesn't want boys to look at them, you are telling her that boys having a distraction free learning environment is more important than her education. INSTEAD OF SHAMING GIRLS FOR THEIR BODIES, TEACH BOYS THAT THEY ARE NOT SEXUAL OBJECTS.

  It is not right to take thirty minutes out of a girls school day, when it is not the girls fault. Maybe it is the fault of the people who view them sexually. Girls do not shop at a sex store for back to school shopping. In fact, most girls who violate the dress code by showing their lower thighs, belly button, shoulders and more, their "inappropriate" clothes were purchased by their parents.

  Let us remind you that our skin is to protect our bones, organs and muscle tissue from bacteria and more. A belly buttons presence is due to an umbilical cord when they were first born. And breasts main use are for women feeding their new born children.

  An 8th grade student claims that she had been to at least four stores before finding shorts that fit the dress code (down to her knees). Girls should not have to go through so much trouble and spend more money to buy clothes that fit the overly strict and unfair dress code.

  written by Emma" 


 Enough said.

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