Monday 20 June 2016

Pool Plans

  It's a little after nine and I'm finally getting around to writing. Not that I've been so terribly busy today. But Riley has not been sleeping well and if he isn't I'm not either. When I'm tired I just can't seem to get much done. Who am I kidding I get nothing done.

  Yesterday was Father's Day and I had an entire entry I was going to dedicate to John, who is by far the best dad I could ever have wanted for my boys. As you've probably guessed I missed that one. Again tired and unable to function well. There's always next year.

  But yesterday did have some excitement. It was hot. Not warm but hot. Like 34 degrees hot. After Saturday being a balmy 32 degrees. FYI in Canada we use Celsius so that's the equivalent of 93 Fahrenheit. 

  We are all outside enjoying the breeze. Sitting on the swing beside me, John very casually says "Today would be perfect to have a pool to jump into." Then he gets up and starts walking towards the door and goes inside. In seconds he's back out, with the measuring tape in hand, and says "I guess we should start enjoying our money."

  The kids and I have wanted a pool forever. So has he but it's always been on "the list". Our list always gets way-laid by that damn basement. So we all get up and go onto the grass and start deciding how big, what shape, in-ground, on ground. Since the deck was designed with a pool in mind it was a pretty quick decision. A semi in-ground pool it is.

  It probably won't happen this summer. We will probably have to do the leg work over the winter and get some estimates so it's ready to go first thing next spring. I'd be happy with that. I'd be happier if it was tomorrow but such is life.

  Like the Stones say..."you can't always git what you want"

  And yes I know how to spell "get". I typed it like Mick sings it.


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