Monday 13 June 2016


  As soon as I hit "publish" on the entry about the massacre in Orlando I realized I forgot to add something. I didn't once mention this atrocity happened at a gay club. 

  It was intentional. It wasn't a Freudian slip. It was, and is, important that it happened at a gay club. But not at this moment. At least not to me. Now is the time to grieve for those who have lost their lives and those that are battling to keep theirs in the hospital. 

  But very soon the focus will shift. Soon we will want definitive answers. An explanation that makes it seem a little less insane. People will want to know if it was a hate crime or terrorism. Families will want to have some semblance of closure and that often only comes with reasons why. 

  Already there are groups talking about how all Muslims hate gays. How God is punishing them. Trying to make these groups hate each other and cause more harm. Boy are they headed down the wrong road.

  Here is one group who will meet this head on with kindness, love and acceptance. They will lead the world in forgiveness, sadness and perseverance. They will show compassion and empathy. All while moving towards the necessary changes that are taking too long to come.

  Don't take that as weakness or feebleness. Take it as strength. Because that is exactly what it is.


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