Wednesday 22 June 2016

Summer's Here!

   Summer has officially begun! Any plans? Days spent lounging at the beach or pool? Taking the kids to the park to enjoy the sunshine? Piling almost everything you own into your car and driving to a cottage somewhere in the wilderness? All sound like great ways to pass the next few months.

  I would love to spend the summer in Prince Edward Island with my toes buried in the red sand. Walking along the shores and skipping rocks across the water. Eating mussels and fresh veggies bought from a road side stand. Listening to the boys splashing in the waves and screaming because the water is a little chilly. 

  Driving the island and stopping at every single art gallery and tea house. Every antique market and craft shop. Buying lobster from the fishermen at the wharf and eating them at a picnic table by the ocean. Going to Cavendish Boardwalk for Cows ice cream and looking at sea shell jewelry.

  Going to Anne of Green Gables and walking through the flowers of the old house. Playing a round of golf. Laughing at the boys complaining about the ever present smell of cow manure as we drive past fields covered in potato plants. 

  I can smell the salt air as I sit here far, far away from the Atlantic Ocean. Sadly it's not to be this year. Instead we will try to enjoy the extreme Ottawa heat and humidity. Maybe go to a festival or two. Try to get close to Parliament Hill on July 1. Watch the fire works competition. All in all not so bad.

  But I'll be wishing I was in P.E.I.


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