Wednesday 15 June 2016


  Prayers are getting the people of the U.S. nowhere. They prayed after Columbine suffered a loss of twelve students and one teacher in 1999. More prayers after Sandy Hook in 2012 where they lost twenty children aged six and seven. Also six adult staff members.

  If prayer was going to be enough, surely to God children being murdered would have been the catalyst for the All Mighty to make it stop! It's not enough. Not even close.

  Now I'm not saying prayers and faith can't help the families cope. If that brings them comfort and sanity then by all means. As a community if getting together in worship helps you to heal then congregate. For some it will be the only thing that helps.

  But to stop this from being the almost weekly occurrence that it is in the United States, prayers are not enough. Samantha Bee used this bible quote in her monologue the other night....James 2:17...."Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead." Powerful, to the point and right on target.

  Prayer isn't enough. No matter how devout you are. Action is necessary. And anger. Lots and lots of anger. Peaceful protests that happen on a daily basis throughout the country. Millions of emails sent to Congressmen, Senators and State Representatives. Every single day. Vigils, news conferences with grieving families. Whatever it takes to put pressure on the government to change the gun laws.

  I'm praying people finally get angry.




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