Monday 6 June 2016


  Yesterday was going down hill pretty fast. My patience was worn thread bare. After being gone for the weekend camping, Riley was tired and grouchy. After two days without his brother to pick on, Alex felt he had some catching up to do in that department. John hadn't slept all weekend and was trying to catch 40 winks upstairs. I was left to handle the chaos that is our two sons.

  I was losing quite badly. In fact when the dust settled no one was happy. Certainly not me. I stomped downstairs.....yes stomped. Slamming doors and mumbling obscenities under my breath. Ok maybe not completely under my breath.

  No one EVER goes near the laundry room but me so I knew the peace I craved was waiting for me there. I folded towels. I put in another load. I calmed down. Serenity now I thought. You Seinfeld fans know what I'm talking about. 

  Coming upstairs after my own little temper tantrum I decided to play a mind numbing game on the iPad. As I was scrolling through the apps I noticed a new message on my Facebook.

  In an instant I went from crazy woman to joyful friend. My friend Janet sent a message saying she was a Grammie! A Grammie! She couldn't contain the joy. Every word she typed was filled with it. Her smile in the photos was the most beautiful you've ever seen.

  Miraculously I was happy again. Not just happy but elated. I had tears in my eyes just seeing how happy she was. And the baby!! He is adorable. Perfection. Mom was doing well too. What more could you ask for?

  One of my favorite words is perspective. In a heartbeat I gained it yesterday. Yes my kids were driving me to the edge but remembering that initial joy of motherhood brought it all into....perspective.

  Congratulations Janet! You will be a fantastic Grammie! And your daughter will be a fantastic mother.....look at her role model.


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