Wednesday, 31 August 2016
The Amazing Race Canada
John and the boys are avid fans of the Amazing Race Canada. They love watching the teams run from challenge to challenge. They enjoy the scenery of the foreign countries too. And every time I watch a few minutes of it with them I think "Ooh John and I would be good at that!" In truth...we really wouldn't.
First off....heights. No way could I do some of those challenges. Let's be honest John would have do everything that involved feet off the ground. No amount of money could convince me to climb off a building or jump off a cliff. None.
Second...the food. Well I guess it would be better to describe it as "local delicacies". That translates normally to bugs, intestines and horrible, smelly things, too gross to think about. I don't necessarily want to vomit on national tv.
And the worst part would be the inevitable breakdown in communication every couple seem to go through. They all go from being relatively calm, sane people and become crazed, short tempered, nasty folks. Again not a pretty picture we would want to share with the world.
Truthfully I think these couples, especially those romantically entwined, are insane. To show your true self and then let someone edit it to your disadvantage is either very brave or very crazy.
And I was wrong. John would be great at it. Me.....not so much.
Princess Diana
Nineteen years ago today, in a tunnel in Paris, Princess Diana was in a car accident and died a short time later in hospital. The "people's Princess" was gone. The world mourned.
Perhaps you are one of the many people who remember where they were when they heard the news. John and I had just moved to Nova Scotia and were spending a few days touring around Cape Breton. We had spent the night in the small, picturesque town of St. Peter's. When we woke up the news was filled with reports and pictures. It somehow seemed to put a damper on our travels and we headed back home.
It's not as if she was perfect. Far from it. But she was human. Diana had made mistakes and we all hoped she learned from them. She survived affairs, both her own and her husbands, and a messy divorce. But still she got up, put on her big girl panties and went about her business. Seen by all through the lens of the paparazzi cameras.
That business included being Mom to two young boys. William was 15 and Harry was 12. Both at impressionable ages. Vulnerable after watching their parents separation, divorce and even their own lives being tabloid gossip. Diana did try, or so it seemed, to give the as normal a childhood as was possible for the "heir" and the "spare".
For me the one thing that stands out was her empathy for children. Diana would hug children with AIDS. She would hold starving babies. Bending down and speaking with kids on her journeys. Those kids who were poor and dirty were treated as kindly, and with as much dignity, as the children who brought her flowers in pretty dresses and suits. She seemed to know who was the most in need of simple, basic kindness. And she knew how to give it.
I read an article a few days back where William was speaking to a boy who had lost his mother recently. Giving advice on a subject I'm sure he wishes he wasn't an expert on. He spoke eloquently and with the same empathy his mom always showed. It seems he has taken some of her ways as his own. Good for him.
The world will never know what Princess Diana could have accomplished as she got older. I think she would have brought more sunshine to those who seemed to have so little. Perhaps she could have focused attention on those who the world seems to have forgotten.
But we all know....she would have made a fantastic Grandma!
Sunday, 28 August 2016
My Little Angels/Devils
Why are my children perfect little angels at someone else's house and the devil incarnate here???? Why? It drives me insane that others get to experience the charming, funny, sweet children they continually tell me I have. And what do we get? Certainly not those kids!
Most of the time I'm very happy that they get compliments on their manners and how well behaved they are. Other times I'm jealous. Very jealous. Those are not the same kids who live in my house. Not in the least.
I understand that every kid is the same. To a certain extent. They are comfortable in our presence and feel they can be their true selves. And unfortunately, not control their responses as we teach them to when outside of the home. I'm okay if they were a little less comfortable if it meant a moment of peace.
Already this morning it sounds like a mad-house in here. Arguing over Lego, chargers, breakfast, shorts, hair, name it. John and I might be the attendants for now but we are on the verge of becoming the patients!
As with all things I'm typing this the house is now calm and quiet. The boys are working together making an animation video. They are laughing and sharing. Sitting beside each other and getting along. Actually happy in each others company. It's like they are Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.
Shhhhh...don't disrupt the peace.
Friday, 26 August 2016
Damn You Costco!!!
Today I went to Costco. So you know I'm now broke. No matter what I go there it was to return something and buy John a belt, so really this conversation shouldn't be happening....I come out with way too much stuff.
In the cart was......two boxes of dishes, a sweater, milk, egg whites, strawberries and assorted other little things. Oh yeah and a Halloween costume! It's August for God's sake! Grand total $185!
No paper towels or toilet tissue. No bread, jam or veggies. You know the things I needed most. Instead it was all impulse buys. Thanks Costco. I'm not renewing my membership this year!
And of belt. Sorry John.
#1 Today
I bought my first Christmas present today! Go head call me names. I'll wait til you are finished. Lalalalalalala. Done? Okay I'll continue.
Yes I'm one of those horrible people who start early. With so many to buy for, I don't want to be completely broke in December. Plus most gifts have to be shipped so I need extra time and money for those.
The kids are fairly easy. Trust me they continually give me hints on what they would like. They can always use clothes or books. Even the occasional video game.
It's the grandparents that are the challenge. They don't want any knick-knacks or dust collectors. No clothes, shoes or jewelry. Honestly...they want nothing. But the kids want them to have something to unwrap on the 25th so you see my problem.
John and I don't exchange gifts. We would rather save our cash for a much needed vacation over the holidays or March break. I can buy my own perfume or purses....cheaper while on the before mentioned holiday!
One thing I will remember, that I forgot last year, is to write things down. What I bought. Who I bought it for. And most importantly....where I put it! I found three gifts in the laundry room in February! Oops.
Please don't hate me because I've started early. It really is a matter of finances and my disorganized life.
Oh yeah and my sanity :)
Monday, 22 August 2016
Flip Flops
For the past five weeks I've had varying degrees of pain in both of my feet. The problem started in both feet on the same day. First a tingling sensation. Followed quickly by a slight numbness. Then flat out pain in my toes and on the pads. Enough for me to take some medication..which I never do.
About a week later as I finished soaking my tender tootsies, trying to get some relief, I notice something very odd. My toes have separated! On both feet. Instantly I know the culprit for my sore feet...flip flops!
I had gone away for a few days and only brought the cursed flip flops with me so I wore them all the time. We went walking, to the beach, the park and around the mall. Apparently I was concentrating too hard on keeping them on my feet. Big mistake.
Once I realized the problem things have gotten much better. I'm wearing shoes all the time now. Proper ones I should add. Massaging them together has helped lots too. I can't believe the amount of pain associated with three days of bad sandals.
I may not be twenty any more but I'm still not as old as my feet!
The past few nights I've been having weird dreams. Not gory or violent. Just weird. Saturday's I can blame on the after-nine pm slice of pizza....those of you over forty know what I'm talking about. But last nights? I have no reasonable explanation.
I read once that dreams are your brain's way of working out unresolved issues. That doesn't seem right to me. I've never met George Clooney or owned a Chinese restaurant...which was last nights dream topic.
Experts don't seem to know why we dream let alone what they mean. Knowing myself as well as I do, very few of mine make any sense at all. Once Orc's were sitting on my sofa watching LOTR. Another night Alex was cutting my hair while explaining Pokemon to me. What could those possibly mean?
Riley had "bug" dreams for about a year. Every single night. He would scream and be inconsolable for hours...while sound asleep. Those are night terrors and thankfully not what I have been experiencing. They were the absolute worst thing ever.
So after another night of weirdness, I wake up tired and bleary eyed. Wondering what the hell is going on in my head. Hoping the nap I plan on having this afternoon doesn't include more craziness. Fingers crossed.
And of all mornings for this to happen....I'm out of coffee!
Sunday, 21 August 2016
What I Hear....Or Don't Hear
I've watched the Olympics, the Oscars, sporting events, concerts, pageants and graduations. I've been to weddings, funerals and baby showers. I've heard men talking and women talking and so called celebrities talking. Here's what I've heard.......
She is too.....skinny, fat, short, tall, muscular, flabby.
She needs to.....lose some weight, gain some weight, wear shorter skirts, wear longer skirts, tighter clothes, more clothes, higher heels.
She should....dye her hair, cut her hair, get liposuction, put on some makeup, wear less makeup, curl her hair, straighten her hair.
She would be so much prettier if she....straightened her teeth, whitened her teeth, bought Spanx, wore a pushup bra, got a breast reduction.
What I don't hear is....she has a Master's degree, she's juggling two jobs and three kids and still made snacks for the game, she got a promotion at work.
Or this.....she ran a marathon, made baked Alaska, took care of her sick parents, shoveled a neighbors driveway, volunteered in her child's school.
Or....she changed the faucets, fixed the car, reviewed the homework, made the presentation, found and solved the problem.
Why don't I hear people saying these things? I know plenty of women who have two or three degrees. Or two jobs. Who can make the perfect baked Alaska and make a presentation at work.
Why don't I hear about the women who take care of elderly sick parents? Or volunteered at school or ran marathons.
Hilary's Health
Hilary Clinton is mentally ill. She has no stamina and always seems tired. Oh yeah and she has brain damage. As if that wasn't enough to make you believe she is "unfit to be President", Dr. Drew Pinsky is very concerned about her 1950's level health care.
Now the previous statements weren't made by her doctors. In fact her personal physician said she is in excellent health. Like most of the population over 60, she is taking blood thinners for the prevention of strokes. Oh and she has hypothyroidism.....but so do a handful of people I know.
Those health statements were made by Donald Trump and Rudy Giuliani. Neither of which are medical doctors. Or nurses. Or EMT's. Hell I don't even know if either of them ever took a first aid course. How can they possibly diagnose mental illness or brain damage???? And Dr. Drew.... well I've seen him on tv and he seems mentally ill to me. I'm not a doctor either but if it's good enough for The Donald well......
The U.S. election gets crazier and crazier every week. And with over 2 months left to go who knows what might come out next. Maybe she is pregnant!
Or better yet...Trump is!
Friday, 19 August 2016
Olympic Pride
The 2016 Olympics are almost over. Canadian athletes have been stunning! Winning 18 medals in total including four gold! As a country we tend to do better in the winter games.....imagine that. This time around we are taking the medals home in dramatic fashion.
Canada seems to have found their niche in the water. Nine medals have been water related. Penny Oleksiak won four medals!!! Four. And she's only 16! Unbelievable. Funny enough she only learned to swim at age nine.
Rugby, wrestling, high jump, sprinting, heptathlon, decathlon, cycling. We are everywhere! Lots of airport scanners will be going off when our athletes arrive home.
Damian Warner winning a bronze medal was especially moving for me. I'm always a little prouder when I see my last name in the limelight. We aren't related but that's besides the point. That extra pride is real.
FYI....The town of Mulgrave Nova Scotia, population under 800, sent one of their own to the Olympics in 1992 and 1996! What an inspiration.
Enjoy these last few days of events. Cheer for your country. Cheer for them all.
Monday, 15 August 2016
131 Days
Let me start by asking you not to leave hate comments. Don't call me names or question my sanity. Feel free to shake your head or swear at your screen. I already know this is a very controversial subject. One that will anger many of you. But I'm tackling it anyway.....there are 131 days til Christmas!!!!
There I said it. I'll give you a minute to finish swearing at me.....
Once those first decorations come out at Costco I'm raring to get started. I could easily take out the wrapping paper and ribbons. Start making lists of presents to buy and decorations to put up. Even in the midst of a heatwave.
It's an illness, I'm sure, but I'm not alone. There are lots of us out there. I wonder if there is a support group? But we are all a little afraid of the reaction we will get when we talk about our sickness. There are so many haters in the world.
Let the countdown begin!
When you are a stay-at-home mom you get used to people saying "oh" when they ask you what you do for a living. As if taking care of your family full time isn't a job. Trust me I've never worked so hard. For so little money. Domestic ass.
Men have a tendency to base their self-image on their career. You are what you do so to speak. But women are more multi dimensional. We are a compilation of everything, and everyone, we take care of. And boy do we take care of a lot.
I'm not saying men don't carry their load. But the details of a family normally fall under the mom heading. Homework, practices, doctor appointments and clothes shopping are normal mom jobs. Play dates, birthday parties and Christmas Middle of the night nightmares, sickness and school phone No matter how much sometimes we wish they weren't.
If you have the luxury of taking care of your kids 24/7...enjoy. If you get a paycheck and hire someone to watch over them...enjoy. No matter what choice you make there will be haters.
Don't be one of them.
Thursday, 11 August 2016
Pool Time
The pool guy came Tuesday to give us a quote. He explained the procedure from start to finish. How long. What's involved. What they take care of. What is our responsibility. It was exciting to picture the finished product.
In my head I could see the beautiful, salt water. The kids playing in it. See the deck circling it. All of us laughing and enjoying the coolness on these hot summer days. Friends and family hanging out. Floating on a tube with a Palm Bay in the drink holder.
Yes in an instant I could see it all. And then, out of nowhere, comes the dreaded dollar sign floating across my idealistic vision. It came in like a huge black cloud. Darkening the entire picture. Taking with it every ounce of happiness.
It will take about five more days for the actual quote to arrive. He was only able to give us a rough estimate. Rough to within about a grand. And while somehow I KNEW it would be that much, the harsh reality of it knocked the wind out of me.
What is giving me even more pause is there is a house, exactly like mine but not in as good condition, on the next street over for sale. It has an in ground pool and it's not selling. It's been at least two months now. And after a quick chat with the agent, it seems like the pool is the problem. People either want it or don't. No in between.
It's a big decision. And one we need to think long and hard about. Maybe over one of those drinks I mentioned earlier.
This is what my 13 year old calls a 1st world problem!
Tuesday, 9 August 2016
Almost Time
The ads have started. The sales have begun. Soon there will be a frenzy of activity at Walmart's, Staples and grocery stores everywhere across this wonderful country. That's right it's almost back to school time!
To all my teacher friends.....sorry. I know you don't relish it as much as I do. But if the shoe was on the other foot......
When those stacks of crayons, pencils and markers comes out, parents everywhere breathe a huge sigh of relief. The sight of backpacks and pencil cases brings tears of joy to our eyes. Lunch boxes...not so much but it's a necessary evil.
New shoes, clothes, hair cuts....check. School fees, agenda purchases, hot lunches....check. Broke parents....CHECK.
I'm willing to bet many kids are just as happy as their parents. They miss their friends and can't wait to see them everyday. Of course they can never say that out loud. Being bored is one thing but saying they can't wait to go back to school is a big no-no.
As that famous Staples ad's the most wonderful time of the year!
Monday, 8 August 2016
My mind is blown! Seriously blown. Shock. Disbelief. My mouth is hanging wide open and I'm not sure if I will ever be able to close it again. I'm almost speechless. Almost.
I spent the day lounging. Enjoying an after-vacation sigh of relief before getting back to reality. In fact I would say a lazy day. I didn't even cook. The boys fed me! Finally at around two o'clock I hopped into the shower to begin my day. After getting dressed I headed downstairs to see what we have for dinner. And that's when I saw it. I can't believe I didn't have a heart attack!
The kitchen was spotless. Not just clean. Spotless. Dishes done. Dishwasher empty. Floor swept. Island clear and sparkling. Stove glowing. Table washed. Sink scrubbed. Spotless. Absolutely spotless.
There in the middle of the floor, with a cloth in his hand.....Alex. Yes Alex. Admiring the beauty he had created. Alex....who can't pick up anything. Alex...who walks over things rather than bend over and pick them up. Alex...who leaves food wrappers and apple cores lying around every single day. That same kid. Speechless.
I'm not sure where this came from. I don't care. Maybe it's a one-shot deal. I don't care. Right now I'm going to enjoy the craziness.
And check if I have a fever.....just in case.
Sunday, 7 August 2016
Chase the Ace
I spoke a little about this on a previous post and since the kids are making dinner....fingers crossed it's edible.....I have some spare time. Chase the Ace is a Nova Scotia fundraising phenomenon! It's everywhere and is raising much needed cash for small communities. In HUGE quantities.
It's a very simple concept. You sell tickets and if your number is drawn you pick a card out of a standard deck of cards. If you get the ace of spades you win the jackpot. If you don't you still win a percentage of that nights take. The jackpot is carried over week after week til someone draws the winner.
The one I went to had a jackpot of $34,000! Tickets cost twenty dollars for three or five...I forget which. The consolation prize was $4,300. Not bad returns for a twenty dollar investment.
As I understand it, and I'm by no means an expert, 50% goes to the organization which was the volunteer fire department in my case. 20% goes to the lucky person who's number was pulled. With the remaining 30% added to the on going jackpot. Using these values that would mean over $21,000 was taken in that night alone! Crazy!
What an amazing way to raise money for community projects. But it wasn't all about the "ace". People were playing cards, laughing, socializing with their neighbors. The bar was open and a few folks were having a beer or a soda. It was a few hours of fun to end the week.
Bravo to these east coast communities for finding inventive ways to bring the community together and fund the many social programs they do. It was fun.
Even if I didn't win.
What Did I Miss???
During my vacation I didn't spend much time on line. Usually I have a few "spare" minutes each day to read the news. Or what they call news. So I'm a little behind in the quirky news department. But with a coffee in hand I'm now caught up.
Unless you live under a rock, you are well aware of the Pokemon Go craze. I for one am a fan. Not because I have no data left on my phone plan but because the kids are outside looking for these critters. Together. Walking. In the sunshine. Getting some exercise. Win!
A picture of Orlando Bloom, in his birthday suit, is making the rounds. He and a fully clothed Katy Perry were on holiday and he decided to go au naturel and someone took a photo. Why is this a non-issue? Had it been Katy you can bet it would be headline news and talk about how it will/won't hurt her career. I hate the double standard.
The Olympics. Enough said.
Donald Trump has crossed some lines...again. Seriously this man is his own worst enemy. If he could just stop talking he might have a chance. But asking Russia to hack into the U.S. government servers is.....well crazy. While I'm definitely not a supporter, I didn't like the New York Post publishing nude pics of his wife. It's out of line and just another distraction from the issues. I'd bet money they wouldn't print Bill Clinton in the buff.
Now that I'm caught up on the "news" I can unpack and do some laundry. But I will leave you with an amazing thought.....
IT's only 20 weeks til Christmas!!!!! You're welcome. :)
Saturday, 6 August 2016
I'm Back
We are home. After the most horrible 10 hours of driving with the kids we are home. It doesn't matter that it was 30 degrees inside. Or that we had no groceries. We are home.
Vacations, especially driving ones, are a double edge sword with kids. Even more so when the children in question fight constantly. Once we arrived it was all good but the coming and going are a real challenge.
I think we saw almost everyone. Some unexpected surprises as well. Spending a night with the fabulous Janet was a treat. And a day with Catherine was long over due.
Alex learned how to drive a boat...sort of. He also went to bingo which was very funny. Not sure if his heart would have handled it had he actually won. And he learned he is not the greatest of drivers....not yet anyway.
Riley was a little less adventurous. He did go in the boat....even when Alex was driving. The go-karts were a huge learning curve for him. His steering was ok and only went off the track once. And he realized he was stronger than he thought and could actually tip his cousin off the chair in the pool.
John and I realized, again, that the kids love being around family. They seem to thrive in that environment. And if we were to ever consider moving back it would involve us building on the water.
I wonder if Sidney Crosby needs a new neighbor??
Monday, 1 August 2016
A Few of My Favorite People
One of the best things about "going home" is getting to see folks you see once a year or sometimes longer. You get a chance to catch up on their lives. They give you the highlights. And usually just the very good and the very bad.
We went to a gambling/lottery/social event on Saturday night. It doesn't last long...maybe two hours. I'm not sure what I was expecting but there was lots of people there. Lots! I guess the chance to win $32K brings out the crowds. But that's another topic for another day.
Half of my extended family was there. I saw relatives I probably wouldn't have had the chance to see. Maxine, who is beautiful inside and out, was there and I never get a chance to see her. She is a glowing Grandma now and it was amazing to see her pure joy talking about her little bundle of joy.
Laura and John were there too. Laura is so much fun and I always enjoy every second spent with her. Again we don't always cross paths on my yearly adventure east.
The icing on the cake was running into Angie and Amanda. Who, while not related by blood, lived beside us my entire childhood so they fall into a special family category.
Sheila and Jeff yesterday were a fantastic surprise! Sheila and I are cousins and even though we see each other rarely we pick up as if we talk daily. I love that. She's one of my favorite people on the planet.
We have several more days of visiting. I'm sure we will run into a few more great people along the way. Maybe you will be one of them.
Now where do I find some lobster?
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