Thursday 11 August 2016

Pool Time

  The pool guy came Tuesday to give us a quote. He explained the procedure from start to finish. How long. What's involved. What they take care of. What is our responsibility. It was exciting to picture the finished product.

  In my head I could see the beautiful, salt water. The kids playing in it.  See the deck circling it. All of us laughing and enjoying the coolness on these hot summer days. Friends and family hanging out. Floating on a tube with a Palm Bay in the drink holder. 

  Yes in an instant I could see it all. And then, out of nowhere, comes the dreaded dollar sign floating across my idealistic vision. It came in like a huge black cloud. Darkening the entire picture. Taking with it every ounce of happiness.

  It will take about five more days for the actual quote to arrive. He was only able to give us a rough estimate. Rough to within about a grand. And while somehow I KNEW it would be that much, the harsh reality of it knocked the wind out of me.

  What is giving me even more pause is there is a house, exactly like mine but not in as good condition, on the next street over for sale. It has an in ground pool and it's not selling. It's been at least two months now. And after a quick chat with the agent, it seems like the pool is the problem. People either want it or don't. No in between.

  It's a big decision. And one we need to think long and hard about. Maybe over one of those drinks I mentioned earlier.

  This is what my 13 year old calls a 1st world problem!



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