Friday 26 August 2016

#1 Today

  I bought my first Christmas present today! Go head call me names. I'll wait til you are finished. Lalalalalalala. Done? Okay I'll continue.

  Yes I'm one of those horrible people who start early. With so many to buy for, I don't want to be completely broke in December. Plus most gifts have to be shipped so I need extra time and money for those. 

  The kids are fairly easy. Trust me they continually give me hints on what they would like. They can always use clothes or books. Even the occasional video game.

  It's the grandparents that are the challenge. They don't want any knick-knacks or dust collectors. No clothes, shoes or jewelry. Honestly...they want nothing. But the kids want them to have something to unwrap on the 25th so you see my problem.

  John and I don't exchange gifts. We would rather save our cash for a much needed vacation over the holidays or March break. I can buy my own perfume or purses....cheaper while on the before mentioned holiday! 

  One thing I will remember, that I forgot last year, is to write things down. What I bought. Who I bought it for. And most importantly....where I put it! I found three gifts in the laundry room in February! Oops.

  Please don't hate me because I've started early. It really is a matter of finances and my disorganized life.

  Oh yeah and my sanity :)




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