Monday, 15 August 2016


  When you are a stay-at-home mom you get used to people saying "oh" when they ask you what you do for a living. As if taking care of your family full time isn't a job. Trust me I've never worked so hard. For so little money. Domestic ass.

  Men have a tendency to base their self-image on their career. You are what you do so to speak. But women are more multi dimensional. We are a compilation of everything, and everyone, we take care of. And boy do we take care of a lot.

  I'm not saying men don't carry their load. But the details of a family normally fall under the mom heading. Homework, practices, doctor appointments and clothes shopping are normal mom jobs. Play dates, birthday parties and Christmas Middle of the night nightmares, sickness and school phone No matter how much sometimes we wish they weren't.

  If you have the luxury of taking care of your kids 24/7...enjoy. If you get a paycheck and hire someone to watch over them...enjoy.  No matter what choice you make there will be haters.

  Don't be one of them.


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