Monday 8 August 2016


  My mind is blown! Seriously blown. Shock. Disbelief. My mouth is hanging wide open and I'm not sure if I will ever be able to close it again. I'm almost speechless. Almost.

  I spent the day lounging. Enjoying an after-vacation sigh of relief before getting back to reality. In fact I would say a lazy day. I didn't even cook. The boys fed me! Finally at around two o'clock I hopped into the shower to begin my day. After getting dressed I headed downstairs to see what we have for dinner. And that's when I saw it. I can't believe I didn't have a heart attack!

  The kitchen was spotless. Not just clean. Spotless. Dishes done. Dishwasher empty. Floor swept. Island clear and sparkling. Stove glowing. Table washed. Sink scrubbed. Spotless. Absolutely spotless.

  There in the middle of the floor, with a cloth in his hand.....Alex. Yes Alex. Admiring the beauty he had created. Alex....who can't pick up anything. Alex...who walks over things rather than bend over and pick them up. Alex...who leaves food wrappers and apple cores lying around every single day. That same kid. Speechless.

  I'm not sure where this came from. I don't care.  Maybe it's a one-shot deal. I don't care. Right now I'm going to enjoy the craziness.

  And check if I have a fever.....just in case.



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