Saturday 6 August 2016

I'm Back

  We are home. After the most horrible 10 hours of driving with the kids we are home. It doesn't matter that it was 30 degrees inside. Or that we had no groceries. We are home.

  Vacations, especially driving ones, are a double edge sword with kids. Even more so when the children in question fight constantly. Once we arrived it was all good but the coming and going are a real challenge.

  I think we saw almost everyone. Some unexpected surprises as well. Spending a night with the fabulous Janet was a treat. And a day with Catherine was long over due. 

  Alex learned how to drive a boat...sort of. He also went to bingo which was very funny. Not sure if his heart would have handled it had he actually won. And he learned he is not the greatest of drivers....not yet anyway. 

  Riley was a little less adventurous. He did go in the boat....even when Alex was driving. The go-karts were a huge learning curve for him. His steering was ok and only went off the track once. And he realized he was stronger than he thought and could actually tip his cousin off the chair in the pool.

  John and I realized, again, that the kids love being around family. They seem to thrive in that environment. And if we were to ever consider moving back it would involve us building on the water.

  I wonder if Sidney Crosby needs a new neighbor??


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