Saturday 17 September 2016

Happy 1st Anniversary!!!!

  Happy Anniversary to me!!!!!! One year go today I started writing this blog and I've never looked back. It's been therapeutic at times. Lots of ranting has taken place. A few tears. And many, many WTH moments. I hope it was as much fun for you as it was for me!

  One thing I wasn't expecting, but am so thrilled by, is the amount of people from other countries who are reading. I mean you Portugal! When I get a stats update I'm over whelmed at the countries I see...Poland, China, Russia, Romania, France. Canada and the U.S. I expected but the rest of you...well you are a completely wonderful surprise!

  It proves what I always knew....we are more alike than different. Religion, economics, geography and cultures aside. Everyone wants to be happy, raise good kids, enjoy our family. We all pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off and get on with it. We laugh. We cry. We go on. That's a comforting thought with so much upheaval in the world.

  Thank you for sharing my life. Thank you for listening to me rant. Thank you for coming back day after day. 

  Year two......starts now!


***I have a Facebook page where it's easy to leave comments...Life As I See It....please let me know what you think and where you are from!***


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