Friday 23 September 2016

Make it home...

  Anthony Anderson said something on The View Wednesday that made me, as a parent, very sad. The quote " I want you to come home every night. I want you to make it home. Whatever it is that you need to do, make it home." I can not even imagine saying that to my 16 year old son. Or how painful it must be to say it.

  Of course my son isn't a sixteen year old black male living in the United States. I would imagine this is a common conversation between parent and child there. Probably as often as me telling Alex to clean his room. What a difference a border makes!

  Now I'm not saying we are perfect. Far from it. We are fighting racism daily, with a degree of success, but we still have a long way to go. And we admit it. And you know what they say.....admitting you have a problem is the first step in solving it.

  A Trump campaign official says there was no racism in the U.S. until Barack Obama became president! WTH??? She has since quit the campaign after the backlash but asked NBC "What did I say that was racist?" If you can't see it when it's right in front of your eyes well....

  Racism is real. Racial profiling is real. Police violence against African American men is real. Pretending it isn't won't help anyone.


***Watch Blackish...Anthony Anderson is fabulous!***

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