Tuesday 13 September 2016

Little Miss Organized

  Once the novelty of the boys being back in school wears off, my mind always tell me to become more organized. Empty closets and clean cupboards fill my thoughts. Bathroom drawers sorted and dressers filled with clothes that actually fit. Unfortunately the reality never quite lives up to the dream.

  I would love to blame that on the fact that the basement is under repairs. Or that we are lacking in storage space. The simple truth is it's a hard task to start. And even harder to finish. Especially when you have been moving boxes around for years without ever having opened them. Who knows what has crawled in there and died?

  Wait I take that back. Starting isn't the problem. In fact I've started many, many times. A few boxes/containers have made it to the curb. There is just so many of them it is daunting long term. That's my reasoning this morning.

  John was doing a "one bag a day" purge in the basement. He would take a garbage bag and only come back upstairs when it was full. Which took no time at all. He did that for about a week and there wasn't even a noticeable dent down there. At least he tried.

  I'm going to give it another shot. With a new determination. A focus never before seen in this house.

  Maybe the thirtieth time's the charm.


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