Monday 26 September 2016

Liar Liar Pants on Fire

  Tonight is the first U.S. Presidential debate. It's been a long time coming. About two years to be exact. As a country they have way more patience than we Canadians do. Never, ever, would we be okay with an election taking so long.

  One thing I saw this morning made me laugh. Donald Trump said 52 things that were false.....last week! Some were huge like his numbers with African American voters were "taking off like a skyrocket"....they haven't moved. Others small like tonight's debate moderator is a Democrat. He's not. Lestor Holt is a Republican.

  Whether a little white one or a whopper, Mr. Trump needs a fact checker. And a good one. 

  People believe politicians are dishonest. We expect them to say whatever it takes to get elected. Then pretend it's the other parties fault that you can't do everything you promised. Sadly it's a fact of life. But most don't do it as often or with such disregard.

  Maybe instead of talking about the size of his hands, his opponents should talk about the size of his nose! wink wink


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