Saturday 3 September 2016

$ Mine, Yours & Ours $

  Even before we got married John and I "shared" our money. We cashed our paycheques....yes this was before direct deposit, internet banking and the like...and the money went into our joint bank account. It never occurred to us to do it differently. Of course we had very little money so it wasn't an issue.

  But it has come to my attention over the years that we are in the minority. Lots of couples have a joint account where their bills come out of. Each partner is expected to put in "X" amount of cash each month. Then the rest is theirs to do with whatever they choose. Some save. Some spend. But it's none of the other's business.

  I'm not sure how that would work. What about unemployment? Or illness? What if one makes significantly less? And retirement saving? I would be furious if I saved lots for our golden years and he saved none. But that's just me.

  I get the idea of having "my own money". Not having to ask for cash from your spouse. Honestly in 27 years of marriage (gulp) I've never asked John's permission to buy anything, go anywhere or spend any amount of cash. Whether I was employed or not. He hasn't either. It's just not how our marriage works. 

  Since I'm now the stay-at-home parent my income is nil. That kind of arraignment wouldn't work out too well. Especially for me! 

  Do what works for you. Pay your bills. Make sure that mortgage payment doesn't bounce. Keep shoes on the kids feet and food on the table. One account, two or three, doesn't matter.

  Money is the number one cause of divorce so whatever you it right!





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