Wednesday 7 September 2016

Routine 101

  There has been so much going on these past few days that I haven't had one free minute to write. There were lots of things that caught my interest but back-to-school takes precedent. 

  Yesterday I didn't want to break the silence that took over the house after the last child got on the bus. No tv, radio, music or my own voice to interrupt the peacefulness. Not even the soft clicking of the keyboard. Just sweet, blissful silence. The first day is always like that.

  The boys arrived home with information on new teachers and classrooms. Riley is in a new school and had so many stories to tell he didn't know where to begin. Alex has all new teachers and classmates. He, being 13, is not so excited about the start of another school year.

  Last night was a whirlwind of signatures. Reminders of school fees and agenda costs. Concussion protocol was a new one. Teachers sending home course outlines and student expectations. Alex has six teachers and Riley four so there was lots to read and digest.

  Yesterday the early morning went smoothly. Children up, showered, dressed and fed in record time. Teeth brushed, hair combed and sneakers on without a fight. Out the door to catch the school bus with minutes to spare. This alarm, fast breakfast, rush, rush, rush. What a difference a day makes.

  Back to routine. Peace and quiet become the norm. Early mornings made possible with coffee. Making sure there is something to fill an empty stomach at lunch and recess. 

  Oh wait those are my routines not the boys!



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