Monday, 31 October 2016
Operation Shenanigans
What a weekend! My "book club" took a road trip this weekend to visit a member who moved. Then as an added special bonus another past member flew in to join us! The old gang was together again and it was like old times.
I can't tell you what we talked about. We are like Las Vegas that way. What happens at book club stays in book club. Let's leave it at subject was off limits or untouched.
Coming from different walks of life, careers and circumstances, we blend together as a group so easily it's scary. We disagree on many issues. We are all over the map when it comes to parenting. But we share a respect and love for each other that lets us express our opinions and thoughts without fear. That is real friendship.
We laughed at each other and ourselves. We complained about our spouses, children and jobs. We praised, listened and supported. For 18 hours we were a well oiled machine that could solve every problem in the world.
Women are the backbone of society. We are more balanced, calm and understanding than our male counterparts. We are more thoughtful and less reactive. We can take, and give, advice. Without a doubt the world would be a much better place if women ran it.
One thing I am 100% sure of after this weekend....we can function on little or no sleep!
Thursday, 27 October 2016
My Book!
Yesterday I told my kids I was going to write a book. Both seemed happy and supportive....til I told them the title. "I Want To Give Back The Children" did not go over well. Somehow they took that as an insult.
Like most parents there are times when I long for the good old days before kids. You remember those days. We could sleep in. Stay up late. We had money. You didn't have to cut up someone's meat. Good times.
Now I referee more often than not. Our fridge is constantly empty and the sink constantly full. Laundry is a swear word and socks can sometimes be worn more than one day. Towels disappear but come back from the beyond when Alex cleans out his room.
I thought my days of homework were over when I finished school. Wrong. Now I'm doing new "new math" with as much success as I did the first time around. Translation...badly. Eight forty five dashes to Staples for poster board has become the norm.
My parenting guru Janet says one day I will miss the chaos and noise. That at some point the house will be too peaceful and quiet. I'm not looking for long term peace....just a few minutes a day when we are all at home.
Of course I don't really want to give them back....well not permanently anyway!
Wednesday, 26 October 2016
When it comes to politics people have short memories. Very short. Whatever party you like can do no wrong and the others can do no right. And when the other party gets into power....history rewrites itself.
The Conservative party was in power for over 9 years. Over that time they made some good choices for the country. But they also made bad ones too. No one can believe PM Harper did anything intentionally to hurt the country. In the eyes of many though, he did.
Now we have a Liberal government. After only one year, PM Trudeau is being heralded as a great leader by his supporters. Not surprisingly, as a failure by those who aren't. Such is the life of politicians.
John Lydgate said "You can please some of the people all of the time, you can please all of the people some of the time, but you can't please all of the people all of the time." That sums up politics perfectly I think.
However much you dislike this Prime Minister, or the previous ones, we do owe that office respect. We are lucky to have the systems in place for honest, open elections where we can fire one leader and hire another.
Besides no matter what your personal opinion of PM Trudeau or PM Harper I think we can all agree they are both much, much, MUCH better than Donald Trump.
Tuesday, 25 October 2016
Send In The Clowns
With Halloween less than a week away I thought it was time to talk about those "clowns" we keep hearing about. For those of you not in the know....people are getting dressed up as clowns and scaring the pants off of folks. So far this has been reported in many parts of the world. Quite a few here in Canada.
Some incidents are on dark, deserted roads late at night. Others are happening to people walking in the evenings. Some are even knocking on people's doors and peeking in windows. WTH???
How or why this fad started is beyond me. Why no one has been killed yet is an even bigger mystery. After all there is no telling what the intent is of the clown OR the reaction of the person that has been scared.
Just in case there is any doubt....if you are dressed as a clown and jump out at me as I'm driving, the chances are extremely high that my foot will go to the gas not the brake. A knee jerk reaction if you will. One I'm sure most drivers will experience. And I'm also sure not a court in the country would convict me for running you over.
Life has consequences. Lots of them. Being an idiot and trying to scare people might have more than you expected. This is not a joke.
No one finds this funny.
Friday, 21 October 2016
It's raining this morning. That cold, fall rain. The kind that means a sweater, scarf and jacket. It chills you right to the bone. I think it's because we are still in denial that summer is over.
Alex still left for school in shorts. He swore he had gym first class and will change into his pants afterwards. I heard the same thing yesterday and he arrived home still in those same shorts. Probably today too.
Riley, on the other extreme, wore a hat, gloves, jacket and his woolly pajamas. He was not taking any chances on being cold. Or wet since he also took an umbrella.
I want to turn on the heat. I really do but....once it goes on you can never go back. The first morning you touch that button you have made a statement....I'm choosing to believe winter is here. I'm not quite there yet. My Dad used to tell us to "think warm". It could become my phrase of the week.
Maybe next week I'll be ready. I doubt it but you never know. What I know right now is I need to find a sweater.
And maybe some gloves.
Monday, 17 October 2016
Alex accused me this morning of not knowing what it's like to be a teenager and hate school. No amount of words on my part could make him believe that in fact I do. But yes I do. I remember all too well.
Turning 13, starting high school, everything different and everyone new. Yup I remember it all. The fear and anxiety. Will I fit in? Will I make friends? Will I pass my classes? We've all been there. Unfortunately our kids can't see that.
I can't blame him for disliking school. He's up at 6:00, on the bus at 7:15. From 8:00 til 2:00 he's sitting and listening. Not talking with friends or playing on his phone. Quietly taking notes while teachers drone on about subjects he might not understand or have any interest in. Not to mention homework. It's tough.
But it's also his job. Right now that is where he needs to be. Doing what he needs to be doing. And while I wish it was more engaging for him, this is the real world. School isn't always fun. It isn't all bad either though. Today it might be hard to get him to see that.
I'm his teacher 365 days out of the year. Today I must teach him it's life. We all get through it.
Sunday, 16 October 2016
Early Night
John drove 560 Alex was at a Scouts camp ninety minutes away. Of course when we said yes to the camp we didn't realize it was that far. Then no sooner did he get home then a quick lunch and off to Riley's hockey game. That was an hour away. Way too much time in a car on a Sunday afternoon.
Luckily, for me, I got to stay home out of the rain. Nice and dry with old movies on in the background. Some how folding laundry doesn't seem so bad when Mrs. Doubtfire's with me. Too bad she couldn't put it away!
Our weekends seem to rush by lately. Too many things to do. Not enough time. I guess it's the after summer rush to get the outside ready for winter. Not to mention all the activities are up and running again. We made an agreement a few years ago that the weekends would be free. I guess that's not applying this year.
It's now 9:00. The entire house is quiet. Everyone is asleep except for me. I can hear the clock ticking. The ice machine taking in water. The settling noises of the house. I can hear myself think.
I just told myself to get an early night too.....I'm so smart.
Friday, 14 October 2016
It Costs How Much????
This fall Riley started playing hockey. As "Canada's game" many kids play. It consumes any free time we might possibly have. It is every weekend and at least one night during the week. I was unaware of the time commitment. Oh I knew it would take some time but this is craziness. And before all you hockey parents condemn me...don't waste your limited time.
But this is not about time. Or the driving. Fundraising. Relentless emails. Nope it's about the cost of hockey. Not from my mouth but from arguably the greatest hockey player of all time #99 Wayne Gretzky.
He very honestly says his Dad borrowed money to buy him skates or a stick. And questions whether he would even be able to afford to play now. I personally am blown away at the amount of money we have spent in the past 30 days alone. We are sitting at $650.00...not including equipment!
Our child is lucky...we can afford it. Many families, who's kids really want to play, simply can't come up with that much money. And what if you have two or even three kids? How do you decide who plays and who doesn't? And is there any money left for activities for the other kids? Or even time? It is very much an elitist sport.
After listening to the interview I wondered to myself how many "Great Ones" never got the chance to play based on finances? How many "Super Mario's" never stepped on the ice because their parents chose groceries over hockey dues? How many "___ the Kid" there could have been had their folks been in a higher tax bracket? I guess we will never know.
For now I will be thankful that our children have all the opportunities available. And feel disappointed for those who don't.
***For you non-hockey fans Wayne Gretzky was called "the Great One". Mario Lemieux was "Super Mario". And Sydney Crosby was "Sid the Kid" 29 I think it's time they stopped using that ;)***
Thursday, 13 October 2016
In Other News
While it seems that everyone is talking about Donald Trump, there are actually other things going on in the world. Not just this one particular train wreck. Things not necessarily as bizarre or interesting but happenings we should be aware of.
Twenty one of the 276 Chibok school girls, who were abducted by Islamic extremist group Boko Haram in 2014, have been released through negotiations. That leaves approximately 197 girls who are still in the terrorists hands. Most have been forced to marry, many are pregnant and some have already given birth. The horror these girls have endured is unfathomable. But we still must take heart that the Nigerian government is making some it ever so slow.
Haiti is getting some much needed food, water and medicine. That country always seems to be rebuilding. I'm not sure why but it seems as if they are also the last to receive real help. And interest in helping them seems to wan pretty quickly. Is it because they aren't a "tourist spot"? Boy I hope not.
Bob Dylan won the Nobel Prize for Literature! Who saw that coming? He did write a novel and a book of poetry a long while back but this was based on his song lyrics. While I wouldn't put him in the same category as Yeats, Hemingway or Faulkner, all previous winners, his songs are very good. Congrats Mr. Dylan! Don't spend those 8 million kronor in one place!
CoverGirl has a CoverBoy! The company announced that 17 year old makeup artist, James Charles, is their next cover model. For a mascara no less. Yes you sense bitterness in my words. Males always have better lashes then women! It's so unfair.
See?? The world hasn't stopped turning just because Donald is imploding. The news channels just want us to think so.
They are very good at it too!
Wednesday, 12 October 2016
Money Woes
Last night I went to my son's schools Parent Council meeting. It's a great way to get an inside look at your child's education and the workings of the school. It's also a great way to be disappointed in our education system and to see just how much "extra" goes into being a teacher today.
Like most things in this world it all comes down to money. Right now schools need cold, hard, cash. And lots of it. Every time the school board cuts back a dollar the school must stretch that much farther. Some principals are very good at it. Some not so great. My point is they shouldn't be having to work so hard to cover costs.
I spent an hour this morning trying to find a per student allotment of money. I found only a report from the 1998-1999 school year. I'm sure the numbers have changed drastically since then! For the life of me I can't understand why they are so hard to find.
Next month the Parent Council will have to vote on what will be funded and what won't. Someone will suffer and it will be the kids. It's always the kids. We won't even get into the lack of art or music. Small schools sometimes suffer the most in those areas.
I'm not sure where the money is going to come from. Sadly, I'm not sure there is a place. But as parents we need to keep looking. Under every rock and bush.
Maybe we will find buried treasure!
Tuesday, 11 October 2016
National Coming Out Day
October 11 is National Coming Out Day in the's also International Day of the Girl but that's for another day. Coming Out day is to try and make things easier for kids, adults and anyone needing extra support to have an open and honest dialogue with their loved ones. That's a simplified version but you get the general idea.
I thought this would be the perfect day to tell you about a woman I know. In the past year her daughter has told her that basically she was born in the wrong body. Again a simplified explanation. I'm not giving specific details because the story is his to tell not mine.
But the story I am going to tell you about is the unconditional love of a mother for her child. A mother who has been nothing but supportive. Loving. Fierce in his corner. Without hesitation, the parent she needed to be.
This woman put her child's happiness, well being and truth before her own. She has been open and honest to her friends and family. While I'm sure every response hasn't been positive, she has bypassed the haters. Her love for her child has made that easy I'm sure.
She is an example to all parents, not just the ones with transgender kids. All parents should look at her and say that's the parent I need, and want, to be. Every child deserves that.
The fact that her son came to her and had, what I would imagine to be, one of THE most difficult conversations of his young life is proof of great parenting. Love and support is the most important thing for good parenting.
And my friend could teach a class!
Monday, 10 October 2016
A Lesson Learned
When I got up this morning I made coffee, checked Twitter...seriously I'm addicted!....then Facebook. My quiet morning routine before all hell breaks loose in my house. Even before the coffee was done I was ready to rant!
I'm used to negativity on social media. It's a grim fact of life it seems. But this morning, and late last night, it was everywhere. People were complaining about health care, prisons, care of the elderly, education and on and on. You name it someone had a beef about it in the past 12 hours.
No solutions. No plans on how to change it. No thought out reactions to these injustices. Just bitching and complaining. Bitching and complaining. On Thanksgiving. Hmmmm interesting.
I started typing like a mad woman. I had a heated response to your complaints. One person, who complains ALL the time, was on a rant about the education system not teaching the basics or giving enough homework....she is not in education and has no children so I'm not sure exactly where she is getting her information. Trust me the basics are outdated and as for have no idea.
Then as I was tearing apart argument after argument I stopped. I was bitching and complaining too. With no solutions except to tell them to stop talking about things they knew nothing about. I was them. On Thanksgiving. Interesting.
We are all quick to pass judgement. We are just as quick to complain. With or without the facts. If we all took a second to think before we speak, type, or hit send, the world would be a much more positive place.
So on this sunny Thanksgiving Monday I've learned, or rather relearned, a valuable lesson. Be part of the solution. Not part of the problem.
***I took my own advice and took a minute to read what I wrote before hitting "send". I was still a little judgmental on the whole education thing. But no one is perfect ;) ***
Sunday, 9 October 2016
Happy Thanksgiving!!!
It's Thanksgiving weekend here in Canada. While tomorrow is the official day I thought I'd beat the rush and get all of my thanking done early.
I'm so very thankful for my children. You drive me crazy, make me laugh and be happier than I ever thought possible. We are lucky to have more happy than sad in our lives. Each day I marvel at the glimpses we get of the men you are becoming. Now if only you would sleep more...
My family and friends make me very thankful indeed. I'm not sure what my life would be like without the love and support you have given. We learned a long time ago genetics isn't everything when it comes to family.
Not to be over looked, I'm so thankful to live in Canada. We may not be perfect but we get a lot of things right. To know my kids are growing up in a safe place means everything.
And finally to my hubby. You I'm most thankful of all for!
Oh Donald
Oh Donald Trump. Just when I think there is nothing else you can say that would offend women more than you already keep proving me wrong. Over and over and over again.
I'm not surprised, or even that bothered by, your comments. After bartending for years, I know how some men behave when their significant others can't hear them but their buddies can. Not usually men in their 50's and 60's but hey there are always exceptions.
However the comments about being rich and famous meaning you can do whatever you want and get away with it well that's a different story. That's not "classic locker room banter" as I've heard different people describe your comments. Not by any stretch of the imagination. Ask Bill Cosby.
Then you, or your "people", get your wife to make a statement. How she is disgusted with your comments. But any Howard Stern fan knows that she was well aware, and even at times participated in, your bragging and disrespectful comments. Her disgust makes her look controlled. Which I'm sure with that statement she probably was.
During the past few years you have said things that should make women run in the opposite direction. The fact that they haven't scares me even more than you do.
And the idea of you running a country scares the crap out of me!
Thursday, 6 October 2016
I Should Be.....
I should be at the grocery store this morning. As Riley reminded me at 6:18....we have no food. It's a never ending job. The list is longer than my arm. It really should just say "everything".
I should be finishing the laundry. We go through clothes like some people do water. Poor Riley, who has more than everyone else, needs two changes per day. Socks always seem to be in short supply.
I should be moving the last of the dirt for the walkway. These might be the last warm days before the cold sets in. Not to mention the snow. It needs to be finished before then.
I should be emptying the dishwasher and cleaning the pans from this morning. The back splash and counter are so pretty they should always be on display. Not covered in dirty dishes.
I should be cleaning out the car. It's been neglected this summer and needs a proper cleaning. Soon the salt and sand will be on our boots and the new mats should be in place before then.
Instead I'm having a second cup of coffee. It's almost white since the only cream in the house is whipping cream at a whopping 35%! On a positive note there is no need for sugar.
After this I'm going to get started on the above list. With a new sense of determination. An energy unheard of this past week. I'm going to work quickly and efficiently, letting nothing interrupt me.
Or I might just take a nap. Decisions. Decisions.
Monday, 3 October 2016
Wedding Traditions...New & Old
This past weekend we were honored to be invited to a wedding. It was beautiful in many ways, very personal, and I'm sure the newlyweds will have many happy years ahead of them. Over coffee Saturday morning we realized there were some huge differences between this one and previous weddings we have been to.
To start with this was a 100% outdoor wedding, on a Friday evening. In all the weddings I've been to I can only think of one other that wasn't on Saturday. I'm assuming it would be easier to get a venue, not to mention cheaper, on a Friday. Smart.
Flowers....there were none. At least none that I saw. None of the over done displays and center pieces that dominate most receptions. Simple stones and candles decorated the tables. Classic. Timeless. Inexpensive. Short. Sweet. Grateful. Funny. Perfect! We all know, but maybe don't say, the speeches are mostly boring and made by people who definitely don't want to be making them! Usually they go on too long and very few people "get" the insider jokes. Not the case here.
There was no "head" table. Lots of little tables, close enough together to chat with folks beside you but far enough apart to sit comfortably and walk through. The newlyweds walked around mingling and thanking their guests. Very relaxed and a chance for everyone to get a selfie with them.
When the music started it wasn't from an over priced d.j. playing whatever they choose and think the crowd might like. Nope it was a playlist, on either a phone or ipod, made by the couple. Their favorite songs. Music that meant something to them. Songs that made almost everyone get up and dance....think Prince and Madonna. Every age group was on the floor.
I think the major reason this wedding was so different is because the couple weren't twenty something. They are adults, in the work force, with a mortgage and a sense of what is important and what isn't. They know who they are and how they wanted to celebrate. Maturity brings clarity.
A wedding takes a lot of time. And money. We all try to make it the best day possible. This last one is a prime example that the traditional ideas aren't always necessary...or the best.
Congratulations Blair and Gordon! We hope you enjoy many, many happy years together! And thank you for letting us be part of your special day!
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