Sunday 9 October 2016

Oh Donald

  Oh Donald Trump. Just when I think there is nothing else you can say that would offend women more than you already keep proving me wrong. Over and over and over again. 

  I'm not surprised, or even that bothered by, your comments. After bartending for years, I know how some men behave when their significant others can't hear them but their buddies can. Not usually men in their 50's and 60's but hey there are always exceptions. 

  However the comments about being rich and famous meaning you can do whatever you want and get away with it well that's a different story. That's not "classic locker room banter" as I've heard different people describe your comments. Not by any stretch of the imagination. Ask Bill Cosby.

  Then you, or your "people", get your wife to make a statement. How she is disgusted with your comments. But any Howard Stern fan knows that she was well aware, and even at times participated in, your bragging and disrespectful comments. Her disgust makes her look controlled. Which I'm sure with that statement she probably was. 

  During the past few years you have said things that should make women run  in the opposite direction. The fact that they haven't scares me even more than you do.

  And the idea of you running a country scares the crap out of me!





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