Monday 31 October 2016

Operation Shenanigans

  What a weekend! My "book club" took a road trip this weekend to visit a member who moved. Then as an added special bonus another past member flew in to join us! The old gang was together again and it was like old times. 

  I can't tell you what we talked about. We are like Las Vegas that way. What happens at book club stays in book club. Let's leave it at subject was off limits or untouched.

  Coming from different walks of life, careers and circumstances, we blend together as a group so easily it's scary. We disagree on many issues. We are all over the map when it comes to parenting. But we share a respect and love for each other that lets us express our opinions and thoughts without fear. That is real friendship.

  We laughed at each other and ourselves. We complained about our spouses, children and jobs. We praised, listened and supported. For 18 hours we were a well oiled machine that could solve every problem in the world.

  Women are the backbone of society. We are more balanced, calm and understanding than our male counterparts. We are more thoughtful and less reactive. We can take, and give, advice. Without a doubt the world would be a much better place if women ran it. 

  One thing I am 100% sure of after this weekend....we can function on little or no sleep!


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