Monday 17 October 2016


  Alex accused me this morning of not knowing what it's like to be a teenager and hate school. No amount of words on my part could make him believe that in fact I do. But yes I do. I remember all too well.

  Turning 13, starting high school, everything different and everyone new. Yup I remember it all. The fear and anxiety. Will I fit in? Will I make friends? Will I pass my classes? We've all been there. Unfortunately our kids can't see that.

  I can't blame him for disliking school. He's up at 6:00, on the bus at 7:15. From 8:00 til 2:00 he's sitting and listening. Not talking with friends or playing on his phone. Quietly taking notes while teachers drone on about subjects he might not understand or have any interest in. Not to mention homework. It's tough.

  But it's also his job. Right now that is where he needs to be. Doing what he needs to be doing. And while I wish it was more engaging for him, this is the real world. School isn't always fun. It isn't all bad either though. Today it might be hard to get him to see that.

  I'm his teacher 365 days out of the year. Today I must teach him it's life. We all get through it.


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