Thursday 6 October 2016

I Should Be.....

  I should be at the grocery store this morning. As Riley reminded me at 6:18....we have no food. It's a never ending job. The list is longer than my arm. It really should just say "everything".

  I should be finishing the laundry. We go through clothes like some people do water. Poor Riley, who has more than everyone else, needs two changes per day. Socks always seem to be in short supply.

  I should be moving the last of the dirt for the walkway. These might be the last warm days before the cold sets in. Not to mention the snow. It needs to be finished before then.

  I should be emptying the dishwasher and cleaning the pans from this morning. The back splash and counter are so pretty they should always be on display. Not covered in dirty dishes.

  I should be cleaning out the car. It's been neglected this summer and needs a proper cleaning. Soon the salt and sand will be on our boots and the new mats should be in place before then.

  Instead I'm having a second cup of coffee. It's almost white since the only cream in the house is whipping cream at a whopping 35%! On a positive note there is no need for sugar.

  After this I'm going to get started on the above list. With a new sense of determination. An energy unheard of this past week. I'm going to work quickly and efficiently, letting nothing interrupt me.

  Or I might just take a nap. Decisions. Decisions.


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