Sunday 9 October 2016

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

  It's Thanksgiving weekend here in Canada. While tomorrow is the official day I thought I'd beat the rush and get all of my thanking done early.

  I'm so very thankful for my children. You drive me crazy, make me laugh and be happier than I ever thought possible. We are lucky to have more happy than sad in our lives. Each day I marvel at the glimpses we get of the men you are becoming. Now if only you would sleep more...

  My family and friends make me very thankful indeed. I'm not sure what my life would be like without the love and support you have given. We learned a long time ago genetics isn't everything when it comes to family. 

  Not to be over looked, I'm so thankful to live in Canada. We may not be perfect but we get a lot of things right. To know my kids are growing up in a safe place means everything.

  And finally to my hubby. You I'm most thankful of all for!


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