Thursday 27 October 2016

My Book!

  Yesterday I told my kids I was going to write a book. Both seemed happy and supportive....til I told them the title. "I Want To Give Back The Children" did not go over well. Somehow they took that as an insult.

  Like most parents there are times when I long for the good old days before kids. You remember those days. We could sleep in. Stay up late. We had money. You didn't have to cut up someone's meat. Good times.

  Now I referee more often than not. Our fridge is constantly empty and the sink constantly full. Laundry is a swear word and socks can sometimes be worn more than one day. Towels disappear but come back from the beyond when Alex cleans out his room.

  I thought my days of homework were over when I finished school. Wrong. Now I'm doing new "new math" with as much success as I did the first time around. Translation...badly. Eight forty five dashes to Staples for poster board has become the norm. 

  My parenting guru Janet says one day I will miss the chaos and noise. That at some point the house will be too peaceful and quiet. I'm not looking for long term peace....just a few minutes a day when we are all at home.

  Of course I don't really want to give them back....well not permanently anyway!




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