Monday 10 October 2016

A Lesson Learned

  When I got up this morning I made coffee, checked Twitter...seriously I'm addicted!....then Facebook. My quiet morning routine before all hell breaks loose in my house. Even before the coffee was done I was ready to rant!

  I'm used to negativity on social media. It's a grim fact of life it seems. But this morning, and late last night, it was everywhere. People were complaining about health care, prisons, care of the elderly, education and on and on. You name it someone had a beef about it in the past 12 hours.

  No solutions. No plans on how to change it. No thought out reactions to these injustices. Just bitching and complaining. Bitching and complaining. On Thanksgiving. Hmmmm interesting.

  I started typing like a mad woman. I had a heated response to your complaints. One person, who complains ALL the time, was on a rant about the education system not teaching the basics or giving enough homework....she is not in education and has no children so I'm not sure exactly where she is getting her information. Trust me the basics are outdated and as for have no idea.

  Then as I was tearing apart argument after argument I stopped. I was bitching and complaining too. With no solutions except to tell them to stop talking about things they knew nothing about. I was them. On Thanksgiving. Interesting.

  We are all quick to pass judgement. We are just as quick to complain. With or without the facts. If we all took a second to think before we speak, type, or hit send, the world would be a much more positive place.

  So on this sunny Thanksgiving Monday I've learned, or rather relearned, a valuable lesson. Be part of the solution. Not part of the problem.


***I took my own advice and took a minute to read what I wrote before hitting "send". I was still a little judgmental on the whole education thing. But no one is perfect ;) ***

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