Tuesday 25 October 2016

Send In The Clowns

  With Halloween less than a week away I thought it was time to talk about those "clowns" we keep hearing about. For those of you not in the know....people are getting dressed up as clowns and scaring the pants off of folks. So far this has been reported in many parts of the world. Quite a few here in Canada.

  Some incidents are on dark, deserted roads late at night. Others are happening to people walking in the evenings. Some are even knocking on people's doors and peeking in windows. WTH???

  How or why this fad started is beyond me. Why no one has been killed yet is an even bigger mystery. After all there is no telling what the intent is of the clown OR the reaction of the person that has been scared.

  Just in case there is any doubt....if you are dressed as a clown and jump out at me as I'm driving, the chances are extremely high that my foot will go to the gas not the brake. A knee jerk reaction if you will. One I'm sure most drivers will experience. And I'm also sure not a court in the country would convict me for running you over.

  Life has consequences. Lots of them. Being an idiot and trying to scare people might have more than you expected. This is not a joke.

  No one finds this funny.


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