Wednesday 12 October 2016

Money Woes

  Last night I went to my son's schools Parent Council meeting. It's a great way to get an inside look at your child's education and the workings of the school. It's also a great way to be disappointed in our education system and to see just how much "extra" goes into being a teacher today.

  Like most things in this world it all comes down to money. Right now schools need cold, hard, cash. And lots of it. Every time the school board cuts back a dollar the school must stretch that much farther. Some principals are very good at it. Some not so great. My point is they shouldn't be having to work so hard to cover costs.

  I spent an hour this morning trying to find a per student allotment of money. I found only a report from the 1998-1999 school year. I'm sure the numbers have changed drastically since then! For the life of me I can't understand why they are so hard to find.

  Next month the Parent Council will have to vote on what will be funded and what won't. Someone will suffer and it will be the kids. It's always the kids. We won't even get into the lack of art or music. Small schools sometimes suffer the most in those areas.

  I'm not sure where the money is going to come from. Sadly, I'm not sure there is a place. But as parents we need to keep looking. Under every rock and bush. 

  Maybe we will find buried treasure!



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