Sunday 27 November 2016

Defending Baron and Kanye

  Anyone who knows me, or reads this, knows I'm not a Donald Trump or Kanye West fan. In fact both make me very angry. They are rude, smug, arrogant and if I had to pick one word to best describe them it would be "jackass". However...this week I find myself defending them. Who would have thunk it??

  Rosie O'Donnell crossed a line this past week. We all know about the history she has with Trump. He has called her some nasty names and they have engaged in a war of tweets for a few years now. Until now I would have defended her but not anymore. She made some comments about his son perhaps being autistic. This is a big, huge no-no.

  Say what you want about the Dad. Even the wife and adult kids. They are putting themselves in the lime light and as adults, can defend their own opinions and thoughts. Baron is a child of ten. My son's age. Leave him alone. Don't mention his name. Don't talk about his likes, dislikes or what subjects he is good at in school. Leave him alone.

  His father ran for President. He had no say in it. None what-so-ever. He has no opinions on healthcare, no policy ideas, no thoughts on foreign affairs. Let him go about the business of being a kid. In private. Oh and don't surmise what he thinks about his's his Dad. He thinks he is a super hero. Just like he should. Like every kid should. 

  Kanye....what can I say. He is having some mental health issues. Leave him alone. He is getting much needed help. Give him the space to heal. Let him, and his family, put their lives back together with the privacy you would want and expect. Mental illness is the same as cancer, diabetes or one asks for it or deserves it.

  No matter how much we dislike a person.....leave the kids and those with mental illness alone.


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