Tuesday 8 November 2016

Election Day

  I wasn't sure we would live through it! It's been a long road filled with bombs, guerrilla warfare and internet recruiting. But we survived. It's election day in the U.S.! Finally!!!!

  I'm not sure about the rest of the world but in Canada we have heard waaaaaay too much about an election we have no say in! Every single news agency is bombarding us with coverage. And while I don't normally speak for the country I will now. We are tired of it! Enough. Vote and put the rest of us out of our misery!

  Who ever wins, the first executive order they make should be to shorten this process down...by about 18 months! At least. Just imagine what all that wasted money could have been used for? How many schools could have a free lunch program just from that? Mind-boggling.

  Go vote citizens of the United States. Flex your democratic muscles. Maybe then the news agencies will focus on the real issues of the world.

  Fingers crossed the world wakes up to a female President. Not an orange one.


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