Wednesday 9 November 2016


  Congratulations people of the United States! You have shown the world your true colors.  And orange is your color of choice.

  You have chosen a leader who, by his own words, disrespects women, veterans, people of color, Muslims, immigrants, Mexicans and anyone who doesn't agree with him.

  He attacks at the slightest of provocations. Going after his perceived enemy with the nastiness of a twelve year old school yard bully. His choice of words is cruel and intentionally hateful. He is dismissive and arrogant. He is everything we tell our children not to be.

  Your soon-to-be leader scares the democratic world. He is loved by Putin and feared by your allies. That should scare you. Apparently it doesn't. ISIS leaders are laughing their asses off. That should scare you. Apparently it doesn't. I'm sure in the very near future it will. Damn sure.

  Today the world must start to pick up the pieces from the fire storm you have inflicted on us. Just like the housing/banking crisis that crippled most of the world, we yet again, must deal with a plummeting stock market, global uncertainty and economic upheaval....over your choices. The entire world suffers because you picked a leader based on bigotry and fear instead of policy.

  You have gone from a dignified, respectful, competent leader to a racist, bigoted, misogynistic, loudmouthed bully. Congrats.



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