Monday 7 November 2016

On-Line Shopping

  On-line shopping is the greatest thing ever! More stores than any mall can handle. Every single thing you could ever want is at your finger tips. And with a click of the mouse you can have it delivered to your door. You never have to get out of your pajamas!

  It's by far the easiest way to shop for the holidays. And I don't just mean presents. Decorations, tableware and food can all be delivered. Need wrapping paper and tape? Monogrammed stockings? Gift cards, wreaths and well everything. All dropped off on your front step. Most likely by a UPS driver still wearing shorts.

  You can even splurge and have it wrapped and delivered to the recipients home! How's that for convenient? No more carrying boxes into the local Canada Post office and paying through the nose for shipping. Freedom.

  But all this convenience comes with a price tag. Most people, myself included, over spend this way. It's worth the extra few bucks to not have to battle the crowds. That's what I keep telling myself. And to a certain extent it's true. However if I normally spend $50 on your present and all of a sudden I've spent $150, I should have left the house and stayed on budget.

  Last night I spent some time browsing Macy's site. The actual store isn't here but they do ship to Canada and you can pay in Canadian funds. Perfect. The selection is different. So much so that I put 6 items in my cart within a few minutes. For a grand total I don't care to reveal. Let's just say I quickly left that site after dumping my cart.

  If you haven't tried it I highly recommend it. If you are an old hand at it remember don't go crazy this holiday season. 

  Unless you are buying for me!




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