Sunday 27 November 2016

It's the Holidays! 🎄

  It's officially the holiday season!!!! Yes I said holiday...time for all the Christians of the world to realize there are others who celebrate this time of year too. The season translates to eating more, drinking more, entertaining more and spending more. And more isn't always better.

  This time of year begins my "Martha Stewart" dream world. As someone who has no interest in cooking 11 months out of the year, I'm always shocked that I'm on Pintrest trying to find recipes. "Pinning" them as if I really am going to make them! Talk about not being self-aware. Maybe this year will be different. Don't bet on it.

  Over the next three short weeks, we are seeing A Christmas Carol, Riley's school party....which I'm organizing, a 20+ person holiday dinner...which I'm cooking, my book club...which might be here, and a birthday party. Add in all the regular activities and we are one busy family!

  There are still presents to buy then wrap. Boxes to ship. Cards to sign and mail. The final bits of decorating to do. It's tiring just thinking about it all.

  It will all get done. It always does. We will eat too much. Drink too much. Stay out too late. And spend too much. So will all of you.  After all...tis the season.

  Let the festivities begin!



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