Tuesday, 31 May 2016
I'm not a zoologist. I'm not a veterinarian. Or a zoo keeper. Or animal care worker. Neither is anyone I know. Yet every single person I know has an opinion on the incident of a four year old boy falling into a gorilla enclosure at the Cincinnati Zoo. And they are heated opinions.
If you have children you know it's impossible, impossible, to keep an eye on them at all times. Please don't comment that you can because I don't believe it. No one. That's why kids get broken bones, break things, fall down and get lost. It happens to every parent. This just went to another level.
The snippet of video the world saw is not the entire time this child was in the enclosure. According to zoo staff and eye witnesses, the gorilla became agitated, due in part to the reaction of the crowd, took the child by the leg and dragged him to the other side of the enclosure. All the time the boys head was in water, bouncing off the ground. Not the gentleness you saw in the first few seconds. A few seconds after stopping, the boy tried to stand up but was taken by the leg and dragged again.
Zoo staff, who considered and ultimately rejected a tranquilizer, made a decision. The 400 plus pound silverback gorilla must be put down. And quickly in order to ensure the safety of the child. These are the people who worked with this gorilla for years. Who had established a relationship and love towards this animal. They were the experts and they knew what had to be done. Like it or not they did it to save the child's life.
A child's life. A gorilla's life. I would assume everyone would choose the child. However I'm wrong there. Some people are saying other options should have been looked at. How do you know they weren't and vetoed? And what kind of outrage would there be if the gorilla had killed the boy? Would the masses be asking why wasn't the animal shot? The answer to that is yes.
I have spent a lot of time watching gorillas. I've seen countless documentaries on their interactions, customs and families. I've seen them play. I've seen them fight. Trust me a gorilla could snap a child in two. And while it makes me sad this happened, in my opinion the zoo staff made the right decision.
This is a sad event. Anytime an endangered animal is killed is difficult. But a child is alive and that means more.
To me anyway.
Monday, 30 May 2016
Know Them....Love Them
When something goes wrong in my children's lives I take a second or two to think about my response before my reaction hits my face or leaves my lips. No matter the situation I take that time. It's the most important thing I do.
The reason parenting advice doesn't work most of the time is that every single child is unique. What works for one doesn't necessarily guarantee success with another. The best and only advice that works every time is simple. Know your child. That's all.
My kids, even though they drive me absolutely insane on a daily basis, are easy to read. They react to things like I do. Not so much John's reaction but mine. That's why those few seconds are so important.
If my initial reaction is positive theirs will be as well. If I jump up and down, screaming and shouting....well that's what I'll see them do. Simple. Learning by example I suppose. Sometimes I wish they would look to John first. His reaction is much more reasonable most of the time.
An injury, a bully or a disappointment all need a measured, well thought out response. Alex fell off a play structure, sprained an ankle and was in quite a bit of pain. His eyes are staring at my face waiting to see how bad it is. Based solely on my reaction. So it's very important that he sees everything is ok in my face....no matter how bad it really is.
Saturday, at Riley's play, there was a mix up giving out certificates on stage. Everyone got one but him. I was devastated. And angry. Thankfully he couldn't see my face! However when he came to me afterwards he was excited about being on the stage. The over site meant nothing to him. When asked about it, he looked at me, again judging my reaction. I had to agree with him that it was no big deal and smile.
In both cases they were relieved or felt better. Kids are easily influenced and we, as parents, need to be aware of that fact. Base your response on your child. You know them best.
FYI.... I wanted to cry when I saw Alex's ankle bruised and swollen. And I wanted to slap the woman who "forgot" about Riley.
Boy I hope they take after their father!
Sunday, 29 May 2016
We had lobster yesterday. It's probably my favorite food. I don't use melted butter.....why would you ruin the taste? No rice, salad or side is necessary. Just put it down in front of me with some newspaper, a cutting board and a butcher knife and I'm happy.
My Dad loved lobster more than any other food. He never got tired of eating it. My cousin is a fisherman and Dad would wait for Charlie at the dock almost every day to see how the catch was. And most days with a garbage bag in his back pocket, just in case it was a good day.
It's a big treat for us. Being so far from the ocean the prices are a lot more than my east coast friends would pay. And significantly more than the fisherman are getting but that's us paying the middle man.
Yesterday the house reeked of lobster. I cleaned 22 of them and managed only a few cuts to my hands. Nothing personal but if you are not from the coast you waste a lot. I'd rather shell them for you and get every last drop.
This summer we are going to visit friends on the east coast. Lobster is on the menu again. Even though my cousin will be finished his season by the time we arrive, I'm sure we can find some fresh from the ocean.
Jealous yet?
And the Academy Award goes to.......
Nothing makes me prouder as a parent than seeing my child work hard to achieve something. Yesterday we watched Riley make his stage debut after six months of rehearsals and dance routine practices. He was great!
Now this wasn't Broadway or London's West End. Just a little show in a little theater in little ole Ottawa. But to him being on that stage was exactly the same experience. He was nervous and excited and thrilled. He sang his heart out. Danced like no one was watching. And spoke clear, crisp and loud.
Riley has always loved performing. We spent many hours watching him be Roony Doodle, playing guitar and singing. Just Dance is almost worn out from over use....that damn hamster dance song is stuck in my head now.
Performing gives confidence to children. They practice speech, projection and clarity. Riley can talk to anyone....and does. Perhaps too much. Without hesitation or fear. His confidence is apparent most of the time.
Hard work has it's own successes and Riley learnt that yesterday. He heard the applause and cheers. And I think he wants it again.
Congratulations Riley on a job very well done. Your Dad and I are so proud of you! We couldn't love you any more.
Mom (Ang)
Thursday, 26 May 2016
Daniel Craig doesn't want to play James Bond in the movies anymore. He must be well and truly done since he turned down a crazy amount of money, 68 million pounds or $116 million Canadian dollars to be exact. I'm pretty sure I could have forced myself to do a few more for that much money.
Now the search is on for the next person to play the famous spy. There are some great actors who would instantly come to mind. Tom Hiddleston. Idris Elba. Tom Hardy. Any of them would make a great Bond.
I've also heard some buzz about James Norton. If you haven't seen Happy Valley on Netflix you need to. He was brilliant in it. Aidan Turner's name has been thrown around too. You might know him from Poldark. I know him from The Hobbit trilogy. Another very good choice.
There was even some talk about Gillian Anderson becoming Jane Bond. Of course that came from her so I'm guessing there isn't much truth in that. I heard a few other women's names kicking around too as possible contenders. Ian Fleming wrote about a male spy however and in the movies I don't think it would fly. I say that but who knows. Elementary is still going strong with Dr. Joan Watson on tv.
My first choice would be Idris Elba. He's a great actor and definitely has the voice for it. And he would look great in a suit with a martini in his hand. However he has said he doesn't want to be the "black James Bond". And while that would probably be a thing in the United States I'm not sure the rest of the world would see it as such.
Whoever gets the coveted job they will have some big footprints to follow in. Sean Connery. Roger Moore. David Niven. All exceptional actors who have had distinguished careers.
Hmmmm why didn't anyone mention Hugh Grant? Just asking.
The Duchess Wore What??
Yesterday social media had a field day with the fact that Kate Middleton wore the same dress twice. Once at her sons baptism in 2013 and again at the Queen's Garden Party Tuesday. Imagine that! This is news why?
Does anyone, whose last name isn't Kardashian, ever wear an outfit just once? Of course not. Even a wedding dress is sometimes worn again....hopefully not for a second wedding to a different partner.
I would think that the British public would be happy that she is "just like us". That she found an outfit she loved and wore it again. And maybe she will again. Haven't we all found that outfit that makes us look and feel like a million bucks and noticed we are wearing it in way too many pictures? Guilty.
I'm curious.....did anyone check and see if her hubby was wearing a tie he had worn before? Or shoes? Socks? I'd bet my life savings that answer is no. Why? Because men are not held to the same ridiculous standards as women. It's sad but true.
Maybe it was a slow news day. Let's hope so. I'd hate to think with all the real news events happening that we could be distracted by a simple case of a young woman wearing a pretty dress twice in her lifetime.
But we were.
Wednesday, 25 May 2016
Back To The 80's
This weekend Riley makes his theatrical debut in Back To The 80's. He is beyond excited. It's on a real stage. In a real theater. With proper lights and sound. A curtain and an audience. And he is the male lead Michael.
The play includes Girls Just Wanna Have Fun, Kids In America and Footloose. I've not read the script but I've heard him practicing his "rap". He has assured me he knows all his lines and they have practiced many times so he knows all the dance moves as well. Exciting.
Afterwards we are having his "entourage" over for food and beverages. He has invited six people....all extended family. I thought it would be a great opportunity for the first lobster feast of the season. Even if the boy of the hour doesn't like them. Any excuse I say.
Riley has a real love of performing. He will sing and play the piano as long as anyone is interested. And then a few more minutes just in case you change your mind. I love the sound of music in the house so I don't mind but I'm not sure others are always so happy about it.
Good luck this weekend my Sweet Baboo! I'm sure you will be awesome!!!!
Yeah the laptop is home! It's not as easy, or as fun, trying to write on the iPad. I love everything else about it but not trying to type. It's always trying to put in words it thinks makes sense but in reality have nothing to do with the subject matter. Oh well happy thoughts only today.
This week Riley, who is in grade three, starts his standardized tests. In Ontario they do them in grades 3, 6 and 9. Language and math only. Supposedly to make sure the teaching methods are working and to assess any changes that need to be made by the Ministry of Education.
Now I'm not a fan of standardized tests. Some kids are smart but not great test takers. Especially in grade 3 where they haven't quite gotten the skill set yet to analyze and manage their time. In fact some kids still can't tie their shoes properly at age nine.
Also testing like this doesn't take into account other abilities the child might have. If the child is a "think outside of the box" kid well their scores can be awful. That doesn't reflect either the child or the teacher.
For the past two days we have received a total of three emails and three voice mails about the testing. Reminders about how important it is for the students to get a good nights sleep, healthy breakfast and nutritious snacks in their lunches. Also how important it is that the children attend every day.
No one has ever sent us an email once, let alone three times, telling us how important sleep and healthy food is to our child's education throughout the school year. It only seems to be important over the next week or so. The amount of emphasis on these tests is mind boggling.
I try, not always successfully, to send Riley to school every day with a healthy lunch that will help him be the best he can be. As I'm sure most parents do. Are the next week and a half more important than any other school day?
I guess so.
Saturday, 21 May 2016
If you live in Canada you've heard more than enough the past few days about "elbow-gate". For those of you in other countries, or you've been under a rock here in Canada, here's the scoop in a nutshell.
There was a vote in the House of Commons and a Conservative MP was trying to get to his place to vote. He was surrounded, in harassment, in conversation, who knows, by NDP MP's. The vote was being delayed so the PM, prime minister, had enough. He strode over to assist the MP get back to his seat. In the process he elbowed a female MP in the chest. End of story. Not really.
See in politics nothing is ever black and white. Ever. And this was no exception. Immediately the NDP made wild accusations. It was intentional.....watch the video it obviously was not. This was abuse.....any time you are in a crowd you get jostled and hit. Then it became a female issue.....this was obviously wrong place wrong time.
The PM got angry. He went to help. Was he angry? Yes. Did he conduct himself as we hope the Prime Minister of Canada should in Parliament? No. He apologized. Nothing more needs to be said. Lesson learned. Move on. Between the press and social media they blew this totally out of proportion.
However......when anyone takes something as serious as abuse and trivializes it to this I get angry. People deal with real physical violence every single day. They deal with the inflicted wounds for ever. An accidental elbow is just that. An accident.
To all MP's, including PM Trudeau, conduct yourselves in the manner we expect of our government. Oh wait....you did.
Friday, 20 May 2016
ER Blues
Sunday was another challenge in my house. Now that the crutches are officially gone we thought things could, and would, get back to normal. After careful deliberation Alex decided that yes he was ready to go back to volleyball. Boy was he wrong.
Alex had made plans with a friend after practice. He has started playing Dungeons and Dragons and wanted to buy a book on it. But when he walked to the car I knew we wouldn't be shopping. His eyes said it all.
His finger was swollen. The arm in severe pain. Too soon I said. Too soon. Then the bombshell....his entire hand was numb and chalk white. So was his face but that was pain related. Off to the ER we went.
One thing about the emergency room at the childrens hospital is everyone is equal. No special treatment. Who ever is in the worst condition goes first. The rest wait. Hopefully not too long. We unfortunately fell under the worse category. But it meant we didn't wait too long.
Two X-rays and three consultations with various doctors later, we got the all clear. Strained muscles. Aggravated nerves. No physical activities for at least two weeks. Tylenol as needed. And a haircut.....so the doctor could see his pretty blue eyes.
We all complain about healthcare. Not enough doctors. Too long wait times. Costs are out of control. Care not what it used to be.
But never forget.....it's better than most.
Tuesday, 17 May 2016
Book Reports
I used to be an avid reader. It was nothing for me to read two or three books a week. There was always one on the night stand and normally one in the family room with a corner turned down to mark my page. Those days are long gone. Kids take up every ounce of free time. Them and Netflix.
If you have read some of my earlier entries you know Alex had been assigned eight book reports for one class this year. All different authors, genres and lengths. He has never been a reader so this was a huge challenge. Huge.
Over the past eight months I have said the phrases "read" and "work on your book report" more times than I have said anything else. That includes I love you, good morning and Merry Christmas. Maybe even those three combined.
They have ruled our holidays, vacations and weekends. Plans have changed and been rescheduled. All for the mighty book report. But that is over. The final report is finished.
100% done. Corrected and edited. Typed to perfection. Spaced properly. At the requested font and size. The correct number of sentences. Word count within the required numbers. Every detail scrutinized.
Alex has now read some classics....Frankenstein, Lord of the Flies and The Outsiders. And a few that will become classics....Harry Potter and The Hunger Games. He has assessed their plots, characters and meanings. Will he retain it all? Or any of it? Who knows. They are finished.
And right now I don't care.
***** and yes I consider The Outsiders a classic*****
Sunday, 15 May 2016
I'm Tired..... of Driving
I cut my hand the other day. On the bathroom tap. Obviously they weren't expensive ones because the film rolled up in my hand and cut three fingers. Not enough for stitches but boy did they sting. Not the best start to the day.
The entire day I was a taxi service. I seemed to get in and out of the car on an all too frequent basis. Alex's class was walking to an ice cream shop as a treat for donating the most food during the school's food drive. Since he was still using crutches he couldn't walk that far. I picked him up at school, drove him there, waited and then drove him back.
He had forgotten his back pack so we went back to his school. He was going to board game club, yes it's for real, and I picked him up an hour later. But in that time Riley needed to be picked up from school and I needed to stop at Home Depot.
Along the way we both decided ice cream was a necessity for desert. Another stop. Another in and out. When we finally got home and sat down to dinner, Alex informed me he needed to go to the library since John was travelling with the laptop. I swear I got a little dizzy just thinking about it.
Off to the library we go. Once Alex was dropped off I assumed we were heading home. But Riley waited til that moment to tell me he had no pencils for school. Staples was close by so off we went.
By 7 pm I swear I had been in that car most of the day. The gas light was on and my patience was slim. When we finally reached home I locked the car and informed my wonderful children not to ask me to drive them anywhere else this week.
Exactly 12 hours later Alex missed the school bus. I give up.
Friday, 13 May 2016
I'm Such a Liar
This morning I lied to my nine year old. And while I believe lying to your kids is ok, they need to be of the little white kind. But this was a whopper. And I knew as I was saying it that I was wrong to do it.
I told Riley that words cannot hurt him. As he sat in front of me, in tears, I said you must ignore the words of mean kids. What a load of crap that is. No one does that. Not all of the time.
The sad truth is words hurt. Everyone. Me, you, celebrities, even the Pope. As much as we wished they wouldn't, they do. Period. And people we like can hurt us easier than strangers.
Poor Riley knows that being called Hitler is an insult. And a bad one. He knows that when someone says you are mean often enough and loud enough, others will believe them. And when others believe it they won't play with you. At 9 he knows this as fact. That's either very intuitive or very sad.
But the difference between children and adults is what we know. I know that this child has issues. I know that he is unhappy in his life and is dealing with things a nine year old shouldn't have to deal with. Riley doesn't know that. And he doesn't care. He's a kid. He only knows someone is mean to him.
My boys aren't perfect. Not even close. But they are kind to their friends. They don't make fun of others and if they do there are swift consequences. Trust me after the first time there is never a second.
I really wish I could make it better. Make sure that no kids are ever mean to him. But I can't. The harsh reality is this will be a life long thing. There are mean people everywhere. Nothing I say or do will change that. All I can do is hug him after the fact and make sure he doesn't become that child.
It doesn't seem like enough.
Monday, 9 May 2016
Oops I Missed Moms Day
My laptop is out of commission so bear with me. I love my iPad but it's just not the same. Although with auto correct my spelling should be better 😉. Ooh and I have emojis. Brilliant! Sorry to those of you who dislike this font.
Yesterday was Mother's Day. An entire 24 hours dedicated to the people who make life possible. I got two hand made cards that brought a tear to my eyes. One in laughter. One in emotion. And John surprised me with some flowers. So lucky.
I sent my mom a Facebook shout out. By the time I had a minute to call she was gone out. It's only a day. I appreciate her every day. But I do feel bad for missing "the day". I'll call today. She'll understand. I hope!
Children and parents argue, fight and lose touch. They don't speak, sometimes for years. It's unfortunate but reality. And very sad. Yesterday might have been difficult for some.
Families don't always get along. Some rifts can't be healed. Abuse is hard to forgive let alone forget. Watching others celebrate the day must be difficult.
For some their moms are gone. Another day to remind them all they are missing. My sympathies go out to those children.
Call your mom. Today. Tomorrow. Whenever you can. If you are lucky enough to live close....visit them. Often. And if necessary.....forgive them. If there is anyway possible.
Saturday, 7 May 2016
Happy Birthday Alex!!!
Today is Alex's birthday. 13. I can't believe it. Where has the time gone? Where did that cute little baby disappear to? And when was he replaced by the 5'9, long haired young man?
Time goes by quickly and we never truly realize just how fast til we look at our kids. I can remember clearly Alex coming home from the hospital. How terrified we were that we had to keep him alive. His first day of kindergarten with Mme. Claudette. He was so small getting on that bus.
He is no longer that little boy. Alex has a confidence and strength that is growing daily. Each new experience shows in how he thinks and expresses himself. You can see the man he is becoming....and it's a pretty amazing picture!
Happy birthday Alex. We are beyond proud of you. Even though you drive us crazy, don't listen and fight constantly with your brother....we wouldn't change you for the world.
Except maybe to make you less messy ;)
Love Mom
Thursday, 5 May 2016
Put Politics Aside
I just finished writing an entry on how proud we should be as Canadians for opening our hearts and homes to the displaced evacuees from Fort McMurray. How we should hold our heads up high. Secure in the knowledge that we live in the greatest country in the world. And I meant every word. However.....
Some people are using this as a political statement. How both the provincial and federal governments aren't doing everything necessary. In a time when, as a country, we need to stand together you are trying to divide us? Shame on you.
Do you honestly think Justin Trudeau is sitting in his office thinking.....hmmm I'll get to this next week, I have a hair appointment. Oh just let them figure it. Do you honestly think that?
Maybe Rachel Notley is thinking over her morning coffee that perhaps they should just let the fire burn and the people take care of themselves? Of course not. And you making this tragedy a political issue is giving us a look at your character not the leaders.
No matter how this is handled, no matter which political party is in power, there will be things that could have been done better. When all is said and done, reports will be issued, new policies will be put in place and lessons will be learned. It's not politics. It's experience.
The people who have been evacuated. Firefighters. Police. Medical staff. First responders. They ARE the focus. Helping them rebuild their homes and lives. That will become our focus in the days, weeks and months to come.
Don't you dare try to over shadow that.
Proud Canadians
If you live in Canada you know the story of Fort McMurray and the horrific, out-of-control forest fire. The entire town, about 90 thousand people, have been evacuated. Entire neighborhoods have burned to the ground. As I write this there have been no deaths or injuries....a true testament to the police, firefighters and first responders. I should add they have evacuated an entire hospital and delivered two babies in the process. Quite a feat.
Canadians are doing what we do best. Helping. As a country we open our hearts, wallets and in this case, our homes. No matter how small a role we can play, we do.
One thing that is especially Canadian is letting people into our homes. People with spare rooms are opening their doors to total strangers. Need a spot to park your RV? Farmers, ranchers and land owners are opening their gates and letting you park. And it goes without saying those spots are free.
There are Facebook pages and Twitter hashtags to help those stranded or in need of help. Community centers and school gymnasiums are converting to sleeping quarters. Hotels are housing people for free....one place even includes breakfast and a light dinner!
In our true giving manner we step up. Every time. Something to be very proud of.
Wednesday, 4 May 2016
We all know things about our friends that we would never tell. Affairs, money problems or wayward spouses. Maybe even a late night bail call. Nothing and no one could make us break that confidence. It's the ultimate betrayal in a solid friendship. We judge ourselves, and them, based on how well they/we keep those secrets.
But what if you know things about someone you don't like? Things that could ruin relationships, careers or marriages. It's harder, I think, to keep those secrets.
When a friendship runs it's course, as some do, there are lots of secrets left behind. How we handle those is a measure of our character. Imagine if that person was famous? I can't even begin to fathom what secrets I would have to keep quiet if I knew say Colin Farrell or Madonna!
It's important to be a good friend but equally important to be a fair ex-friend. Confidences run both ways. Remember that.
Besides....you helped hide those skeletons.
Tuesday, 3 May 2016
Lesson Learned For Alex
Yesterday Alex fell and sprained his ankle. Badly. In fact it would probably heal faster had it been broken. Now he is on crutches for the foreseeable future. A few weeks at least.
The child isn't accident prone or clumsy but he was doing something he wasn't supposed to be doing. Consequences. There will be lots of activities he wanted to do that are now off the table.
Even school is going to be an issue. The school bus for starters. And all of his classes are on the third floor. Thankfully there is an elevator. But it's not going to be an easy job. More consequences.
What seems to be the worst is Saturday is Alex's birthday. While he wanted to do nothing but relax and play video games all day I think he doesn't like the idea of being "limited". Consequences.
Theses next few weeks will be a challenge. For all of us. But I think he has learned a valuable lesson.
Especially in a two story house.
Monday, 2 May 2016
Meghann Foye wrote a book called Meternity. It's a book about how a woman with no children is entitled to the same "leave" as someone who has them.
Let me start by saying....it's a work of fiction. Fiction. Not real. Fiction. Because boy are people pissed. The premise of the book is a woman fakes a pregnancy to get some time off to figure out her life. Sounds like a good read actually.
But women, mothers, went crazy. As if this was a personal assault on themselves. How dare this author write about a woman who is jealous that new mothers get time off. As if it's a vacation. Or that she is angry because she has to pick up the workload of this new mom.
In Canada there is three months maternity leave and an additional nine months parental leave. By definition the maternity leave is for the mom only while the other time can be split in any combination you choose. John took the nine months for each of our boys.
Look I had two c-sections. It's major surgery and requires six full weeks of recovery. There would have been no way for me to go to work every day. No matter what job I had. Getting dressed and downstairs was a challenge for the first two weeks home. So recovery time, no matter how the baby is delivered, is important.
While we have the luxury, and yes it is a luxury, to stay home many, many women do not. For financial reasons mainly. Some want to go back to work immediately. A choice. Life is full of them.
It's always a good sign when a book creates a conversation. This one certainly does. I can see both sides of the issue. And it is an issue because, like it or not, when a woman, or man, takes maternity/parental leave, someone must cover their work. That's a fact.
The work doesn't just sit there til you come back.
Sunday, 1 May 2016
Last night John and I went to a trivia night. It's a fun way to pass the evening. Until you realize you aren't as smart as you thought!
I used to go every week when we lived in Nova Scotia. Scott, Petra, Marc, Catherine, Mike, Charlotte and I. A wealth of useless knowledge crammed into a booth in a local bar. A few drinks. Many laughs. We excelled at music and pop culture....figures. We failed miserably at geography and science.
One night I remember there was an entire category on oceans. Perfect for us with three people in the Navy who had traveled on ships extensively. We thought we couldn't lose. Boy did we ever. It turns out just because you've been in every body of water doesn't mean you remember them.
Not much has changed since those days. While I think I retain most of what I read and hear....obviously I don't. We came in last. By quite the margin. It was fun and the money raised went to a local charity.
I almost forgot....when we played years ago there were no cell phones with wifi. Last night they had people walking around making sure you didn't google the answers! Funny how times changes.
Boy that makes me sound old! Sigh
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